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दीदी की मादक चाल देख गांड और चुत दोनों मारी
मैं समीर , दीदी स्नेहा और मम्मी मधु , तीन लोगों का परिवार है हमारा । स्नेहा की उम्र 24 वर्ष है , वो मुझसे तीन साल बड़ी है । एक सरकारी बैंक में कैशियर है । घर का खर्चा उसी की तनख्वाह से चलता है ।
पहले तो मैं भी आम लड़कों जैसा था | पर कुछ गलत लड़कों के संपर्क में आने से रास्ते से भटक गया । धीरे धीरे लड़कियों की तरफ मेरी रूचि बिलकुल ही खत्म हो गयी । उनकी तरफ देखने से मेरे शरीर में कोई हरकत नहीं होती थी , जैसी की अन्य लड़कों को होती है । मेरी दोस्ती सिर्फ सुन्दर लड़कों से थी । ये सब बातें मेरी मम्मी और दीदी को पता नहीं थी । लेकिन सच कभी न कभी सामने आ ही जाता है ।
एक दिन मम्मी बोली , " मैं कुछ दिन के लिए तुम्हारी मौसी के यहाँ जा रही हूँ । तुम दोनों भाई बहन ठीक से अपना ख्याल रखना और तू ज्यादा आवारागर्दी मत करना । घर के कामों में दीदी का हाथ बटाना , समझ गया ? "
मैंने कहा , " हाँ हाँ , आप चिंता मत करो , मैं सब समझ गया ।"
फिर उनको स्टेशन जाकर ट्रेन में बिठा आया ।
बाद में स्नेहा दीदी अपने बैंक चली गयी और मैं अपने कॉलेज चला गया ।
इंटरवल में एक साथी मिल गया । जब उसको पता चला आज घर पर कोई नहीं है तो उसने कहा चलो तुम्हारे घर चलते हैं । कॉलेज छोड़कर कुछ स्नैक्स और कोल्ड ड्रिंक्स वगैरह लेकर हम घर आ गये । हमारे पास मौज मस्ती के लिए 3 - 4 घंटे थे सो कोई फ़िक्र नहीं थी । दीदी शाम 6 बजे से पहले नहीं आती थी । हमने सोफे पर बैठकर कोल्ड ड्रिंक्स पी । फिर थोड़ी देर बाद मेरे कमरे में चले आये । कमरे में तेज वॉल्यूम में म्यूजिक चला दिया और फिर हम दोनों का बेड पर कार्यक्रम चालू हो गया । तभी किसी ने मेरे कमरे का दरवाज़ा खोला । मैंने चौककर सर उठा के देखा , आधा दरवाजा खोलकर स्नेहा दीदी आँखें फाड़े हमें देख रही थी , उसका मुंह खुला हुआ था । ऐसा लग रहा था जैसे उसने कोई भूत देख लिया हो ।
मेरे होश उड़ गये , दिमाग ने काम करना बंद कर दिया । जब हमारी नज़रें मिली तो उसने अविश्वास की दृष्टि से मुझे देखा और अपने खुले मुंह पर हाथ रख लिया । फिर तुरंत पलटकर चली गयी । तेज म्यूजिक की वजह से हमें पता ही नहीं चला वो कब घर आ गयी । अब मेरा राज खुल चुका था , मेरी फट के हाथ में आ गयी । फिर मैंने फटाफट कपड़े पहने और लात मारकर साथी को भगा दिया । इसी साले ने कहा था तेरे घर चलते हैं ।
अब उसको तो भगा दिया पर मैं स्नेहा दीदी का सामना कैसे करूँ ? वो मम्मी को भी बता देगी । बहुत देर तक बिस्तर पर लेटे लेटे सोचता रहा , क्या कहूंगा ? सोचा जाकर उसके पैर पकड़ने की एक्टिंग करूँगा । कुछ इमोशनल डायलाग मार दूंगा । आखिर भाई ठहरा , उसका दिल पिघल जायेगा । मम्मी को न बताने की रिक्वेस्ट करूँगा ।
फिर मैंने हिम्मत जुटायी और सोचा जो होना था वो तो हो चुका । आगे की फिर देखेंगे और चल पड़ा स्नेहा दीदी के कमरे की ओर । मैंने उनके दरवाज़े पर नॉक किया तो उन्होंने दरवाजा खोला । उनकी आँखों में आंसू थे वो शायद तब से अपने कमरे में रो रही थी । उन्होंने मुझे देखा और मुड़कर कमरे में अंदर चली गयी । मैं भी पीछे चला आया वो बेड पर सर झुकाकर बैठ गयी ।
मैं भी उसके सामने सर झुकाकर खड़ा हो गया । घबराहट में हाथ मलते मलते , बीच बीच में उसको देख लेता था । वो सर झुकाये रही कुछ नहीं बोली । शायद उसको बहुत तेज शॉक लगा था ।
फिर हिम्मत जुटाकर मैंने कहा , “ सॉरी दीदी ।“
उसने बिना सर उठाये पूछा , " कब से चल रहा हैं ये सब ।"
मैंने जवाब दिया , " तीन साल से ।"
वो चौंकी , " तीन साल से ? और यहाँ हमें कुछ खबर ही नहीं ।"
फिर पहली बार उन्होंने नज़रें उठायी और मेरी तरफ गुस्से से देखा । वो मुझे ऐसे देख रही थी जैसे मैंने उन्हें कोई बहुत बड़ा धोखा दे दिया हो और वो बहुत हर्ट फील कर रही हो ।
मैं चुपचाप नज़रें झुकाये , जैसे कोई बच्चा अपनी टीचर के सामने खड़ा होता है , वैसे ही उनके सामने खड़ा रहा ।
मेरी कुछ समझ नहीं आ रहा था कि स्नेहा दीदी को कैसे समझाऊँ ?
उन्होंने फिर से गुस्से से पूछा , " यह लड़का कौन था ? "
मैंने कहा , " मेरे कॉलेज का ही है ।"
उन्होंने फिर गुस्से से कहा , " यही सब काम करता था तू हमारी absence में ? "
मैंने कहा , " गलती हो गयी , आज पहली बार घर में लाया हूँ । "
फिर उसको भी कुछ समझ नहीं आया कि वो अब क्या बोले ? 5 मिनट तक सर झुकाये सोचती रही ।
फिर बोली, " अच्छा तू जा अब , मैं बाद में बात करुँगी ।"
मेरी जान छूटी , मैं फटाफट अपने कमरे में वापस आ गया । उनके कमरे में टेंशन से मेरा सर फट रहा था ।अपने कमरे में आकर कुछ सुकून मिला ।
फिर स्नेहा दीदी ने मुझसे बोलना कम कर दिया । खाना खिला देती थी , ज्यादा कुछ बात नहीं करती थी । अपनी सोच में डूबी रहती थी ।
फिर कुछ दिनों के बाद जब मम्मी वापस आयी तो स्नेहा दीदी ने उन्हें सब कुछ बता दिया ।
अब चौंकने की बारी मम्मी की थी । उन्होंने रो धो के घर सर पर उठा लिया । तेरे पापा नहीं है , कहाँ तो अपनी मम्मी और दीदी की मदद करेगा । ये सब गंदे काम करता है । हमें कितनी उम्मीद थी तुझसे ।और भी न जाने क्या क्या किट- पिट किट-पिट। थोड़ी देर में ही मेरे कान पक गये और मैं गुस्से से अपने कमरे में चला आया ।
फिर मम्मी ने मेरा पीछा ही नहीं छोड़ा , हर समय समझाती रहती थी । साधु बाबाओं के पास जाकर ताबीज भी बना लायी , मुझे जबरदस्ती पहना दिये । लेकिन कोई फ़ायदा नहीं हुआ , मुझे तीन साल से आदत पड़ चुकी थी । अब मेरा बदलना संभव नहीं था ।
एक दिन मैं अपने कमरे में कुछ मैगजीन्स ढूँढ रहा था पर मिल नहीं रही थी । स्नेहा दीदी ने मुझे सब उलटते पलटते देखा तो बोली , " क्या ढूँढ रहा है ? "
मैंने कहा, " कुछ फ़िल्मी मैगजीन्स थी , उन्हीं को ढूढ़ रहा हूँ । "
उन्होंने कहा , " फिल्मी मैगजीन्स का शौक़ कब से लग गया तुझे ? मैंने तो कभी तेरे पास फ़िल्मी मैगजीन्स नहीं देखी । "
मैंने कोई जवाब नहीं दिया ।
फिर वो बोली , " जो तू ढूँढ रहा है वो मेरे पास है ।"
अब चौंकने की बारी मेरी थी ।
" मैंने तेरे कमरे की तलाशी ली थी । उसमें मुझे 3 – 4 वो मैगजीन्स मिली जिन्हें तू पढ़ता है । लेकिन कान खोलकर सुन ले , आगे से तेरे कमरे में कुछ भी ऐसा मिला तो तुझे इस घर में घुसने नहीं दूंगी । "
मम्मी और दीदी में हमेशा ही कुछ न कुछ खिचड़ी पकती रहती थी और मेरे सामने आने पर वो दोनों चुप हो जाते थे । कुछ दिन बाद मुझे पता चला कि स्नेहा दीदी का ट्रांसफर दूसरे शहर में हो गया है । दीदी मेरे सामने ऐसा शो करती जैसे वो इस ट्रांसफर से खुश नहीं हैं । पर मैं जानता था कि उन्होंने जानबूझकर ये ट्रांसफर करवाया है ताकि मुझे मेरे दोस्तों की संगत से छुटकारा दिलाया जा सके ।
फिर कुछ दिनों बाद हम सब नए शहर में शिफ्ट हो गये । मेरा भी ग्रेजुएशन हो चुका था । कुछ समय बाद स्नेहा दीदी ने अपने बॉस की मदद से मेरी भी जॉब एक प्राइवेट बैंक में लगवा दी ।नयी जगह में आकर मम्मी को थोड़ा सुकून मिला था और स्नेहा दीदी भी थोड़ा हल्का महसूस कर रही थी ।
उन्हें लगा कि मैं जितना बिजी रहूँगा उतना ही उन चीज़ों से दूर रहूँगा और धीरे - धीरे मेरा लड़कियों की तरफ आकर्षण बढ़ेगा पर ऐसा न तो कुछ होना था न हुआ ।
मुझे यहाँ भी कुछ अपने जैसे मिल ही गये और फिर वही सिलसिला चल निकला ।
स्नेहा दीदी और मम्मी मुझ पर अब भी नज़र रखते थे । एक दिन दीदी ने मेरे मोबाइल पर किसी का मैसेज पढ़ लिया जिसमें अगले दिन मिलने का वादा था ।
फिर क्या था दीदी अगले दिन मेरे बैंक पहुँच गयी और मुझे वहां न पाकर भड़क गयी ।
शाम को जब मैं घर लौटा तो मम्मी और दीदी दोनों ने मुझे खूब खरी खोटी सुना दी ।
मुझे भी गुस्सा आ गया और मैं घर छोड़ कर निकल पड़ा । रात एक होटल में काटी और सुबह वंही से बैंक चला गया । स्नेहा दीदी ने रात भर मुझे कॉल किया पर मैंने एक भी कॉल रिसीव नहीं की । सुबह दीदी मेरे बैंक आयी और मुझे सॉरी बोलने लगी और शाम को घर वापस आने को कहा । मेरा गुस्सा खत्म हो गया , मैंने कहा आ जाऊंगा ।
शाम को जब घर पहुंचा तो स्नेहा दीदी मुझे छत पर ले गयी और समझाने लगी,
" देख कुछ समय बाद मैं शादी कर के चली जाऊँगी उसके बाद माँ का क्या होगा ? तू कुछ तो सोच ज़रा ?
मैंने कहा “ माँ की देखभाल के लिए मैं हूँ तो । "
दीदी बोली , " मैं जानती हूँ कि तू है । पर अगर तेरी शादी हो जायेगी तो तेरी बीवी , माँ का ज्यादा अच्छा ख्याल रखेगी । है कि नहीं ? "
मैंने कहा , " दीदी मेरी शादी कर के भी आपको क्या मिलेगा ?"
दीदी , " मतलब ? "
मैंने कहा , " ये कि मैं जब अपनी बीवी को खुश ही नहीं रख पाऊँगा तो शादी का क्या मतलब रह जायेगा …वो कुछ ही दिनों मैं मुझे छोड़ कर चली जायेगी । "
स्नेहा दीदी अब चुप हो गयी और सोच में पड़ गयी ।
फिर बोली , " देख मैंने एक डॉक्टर से बात की है । उसने बताया है कि क्योंकि तेरी ये प्रॉब्लम बचपन से नहीं है इसलिए तू अभी भी ठीक हो सकता है ।"
मैंने उनकी तरफ देखा और दुखी होकर कहा , " दीदी आप कितना भी जतन कर लो पर मुझे अब कोई नहीं सुधार सकता ।"
दीदी बोली , " ठीक है तू मुझे एक महीने का टाइम दे और प्रॉमिस कर कि इस एक महीने में तू अपने उन साथियों से नहीं मिलेगा और एक महीने तक मैं जैसे बोलूंगी वैसे ही करेगा । "
मैंने कहा “ दीदी एक महीने में कुछ नहीं होगा । आप बेकार में ही अपना टाइम waste कर रही हो । "
दीदी बोली , “ठीक है , अगर नहीं हुआ तो तू जैसे चाहे अपनी लाइफ जीना । मैं या मम्मी तुझे नहीं रोकेंगे । लेकिन मुझे ये आखिरी कोशिश करने दे। ”
मैंने उनकी आँखों में देखा और पूछा , “ पक्का ? "
दीदी बोली , " एकदम पक्का …पर एक महीना मेरी हर बात माननी पड़ेगी । प्रॉमिस कर ।"
मेरी तो बांछे खिल गयी । रोज़ रोज़ की टोका टोकी से मैं भी बहुत परेशान हो गया था । मैंने सोचा एक महीना काटना है, फिर वादे के अनुसार मुझे कोई न रोकेगा न टोकेगा ।
मैंने उनका हाथ पकड़ा और बोला , “ प्रॉमिस , एक महीना आपके नाम ।"
फिर हम छत से नीचे आ गये ।
अगले दिन जब मैं सो कर उठा तो मम्मी मामाजी के घर जाने को तैयार हो रही थी ।
बोली , कुछ दिनों के बाद आऊंगी।
बाद में हम दोनों भाई बहन तैयार होकर अपने अपने काम पर निकल पड़े । पर चलते चलते स्नेहा दीदी ने मुझे अपना प्रॉमिस याद दिलाया , आज से एक महीने तक घर से ऑफिस , और ऑफिस से घर । इधर उधर बिना उन्हें बताये कहीं नहीं जाना ।
मैंने सोचा , चलो देखते हैं एक महीने में ये क्या उखाड़ लेंगी ।
शाम को जब मैं घर वापस आया तो स्नेहा दीदी को देख कर हैरान रह गया ।
उन्होंने अपने बाल कटवा कर बॉय कट करवा लिए थे । बिलकुल एयरटेल 4G गर्ल की तरह ।
मैंने उनसे पूछा , " दीदी ये क्या किया आपने बाल क्यों कटवा लिए ? "
दीदी बोली , “ यहाँ का पानी मेरे बालों को सूट नहीं कर रहा है । बहुत बाल झड़ रहे थे इसलिए कटवा लिये । कैसा लगा मेरा नया लुक ?
मैंने जवाब दिया , " लुक तो अच्छा है पर आपको नहीं लगता कुछ ज़्यादा कटवा दिए आपने ? "
दीदी बोली , “छोड़ ना !! बालों का क्या है फिर बढ़ जायेंगे । तू ये बता मैं कैसी लग रही हूँ ? अच्छी लग रही हूँ कि नहीं ? "
मैंने बोला , " दीदी तुम बहुत सुन्दर दिख रही हो ।"
दीदी बोली , " ओके ! चल तू हाथ मुंह धोले , मैं तेरे लिये चाय लाती हूँ ।"
रात को दीदी मेरे कमरे में आयी और बोली , " आज से मैं तेरे कमरे में ही सोऊँगी । "
मैंने कहा , " पर क्यों ? "
दीदी बोली , " भूल गया , मैंने कहा था एक महीने तक जो मैं कहूँगी वही करना पड़ेगा ? "
मैंने हँसते हुए कहा , " ओके !! एक महीना आप जो मर्ज़ी आये वो करो । "
वो हंसी और बोली , " चल फिर थोड़ा खिसक जा ।"
मैंने थोड़ा खिसककर अपने बेड पर उन्हें जगह दी और लाइट ऑफ कर दी ।
दीदी ने अपना हाथ मेरे सीने पर रख लिया और काफी देर तक हम इधर उधर की बातें करते रहे फिर सो गये ।
अगले दिन जब मैं शाम को घर वापस आया तो देखा दीदी नीली जीन्स और सफ़ेद टॉप पहनकर कहीं जाने की तैयारी में हैं ।
मैंने कहा , " दीदी क्या बात है आज जीन्स टॉप ? "
दीदी हमेशा साड़ी या सलवार सूट ही पहनती थी । इसलिए उन्हें पहली बार जीन्स टॉप में देख कर मुझे थोड़ा आश्चर्य हुआ ।
दीदी बोली , " हाँ समू , ये कुछ दिन पहले मैंने खरीदे थे पर कभी पहन नहीं पायी । क्यूंकि मम्मी को पसंद नहीं थे । पर अब मम्मी की absence में तो पहन ही सकती हूँ । "
मैं बोला , “ क्यों नहीं , ये मॉडर्न ड्रेस तो आप पर बहुत सूट कर रही है । "
दीदी खुश होते हुए बोली , " तू सच कह रहा है या मेरा मज़ाक उड़ा रहा है ? "
मैंने बोला , " तुम्हारी कसम दीदी एकदम सच ! तुम वाकई सुन्दर दिखती हो इस ड्रेस में ।”
दीदी कुछ सामान अपने पर्स में रखते हुए बोली , " चल अपना बैग रख और मेरे साथ ज़रा मार्केट चल , कुछ शॉपिंग करनी है । "
मैंने कहा , “ 2 मिनट दीदी , मैं ज़रा फ्रेश हो लूँ ।"
दीदी , " ठीक है जल्दी कर । "
फिर हम मार्केट गये । दीदी ने कुछ घर का सामान खरीदा और अपने लिये कुछ मॉडर्न ड्रेस
जीन्स , टॉप्स , शार्ट स्कर्ट्स , लॉन्ग स्कर्ट्स लिये । दीदी ने सारे ड्रेस मेरी पसंद से खरीदी ।
फिर हमने बाहर ही खाना खाया और घर आ गये ।
रात को दीदी सोने के लिये फिर मेरे कमरे में आयी । उन्होंने कॉटन का नाईट सूट पहना था ।
वो मेरे बगल में आकर लेट गयी और बोली , " समू , एक बात पूछूं ? "
मैंने कहा , “ पूछो दीदी । "
दीदी बोली , " सच सच बताना , क्या तेरी कभी कोई गर्लफ्रेंड नहीं रही ? ”
मैंने कहा , " नहीं दीदी , कभी नहीं । "
दीदी बोली , " अच्छा ये बता तुझे आजतक कोई भी लड़की अच्छी नहीं लगी ? "
मुझे थोड़ी हंसी आयी और मैंने कहा , " नहीं दीदी , पहले तो सभी अच्छी लगती थीं पर अब नहीं लगती । "
दीदी बोली , “ तुझे लड़कों में क्या इतना अच्छा लगता है ? "
मैं थोड़ी देर चुप रहा । फिर बोला , " दीदी आप सो जाओ । मैं लाइट बंद कर देता हूँ । "
और मैंने उठ कर लाइट बंद कर दी ।
दीदी बोली , " तुझे नहीं बताना है तो मत बता । पर तूने प्रॉमिस किया था कि तू मेरी एक महीने तक हर बात मानेगा । "
मैंने दीदी के बगल में लेटते हुए कहा , " ओहो दीदी !! अब आपको क्या बताऊँ कि मुझे लड़कों में क्या अच्छा लगता है , मुझे नहीं पता । लेकिन जब भी मैं किसी सुन्दर लड़के को देखता हूँ तो ....। "
दीदी बोली , " तो क्या ? "
मैंने कहा , " तो मैं excited हो जाता हूँ और मेरा erect हो जाता है ।"
दीदी आश्चर्य से बोली , " रियली ? "
फिर थोड़ी देर बाद बोली , “ अच्छा एक बात बता । अगर कोई तुझे नीचे वहां टच करे तब भी क्या तेरा erection नहीं होता ? "
मैंने कहा , " वो तो इस पर depend करता है कि टच करने वाला कौन है ? लड़का है या लड़की । "
दीदी बोली , " ओके । "
फिर दीदी 2-3 मिनट तक कुछ नहीं बोली ।
फिर उन्होंने कहा , " पता नहीं मुझे ऐसा क्यों लगता है कि अगर ....। "
मैंने कहा , “ अगर क्या दीदी ? "
दीदी बोली , " अगर मैं तुझे वहां टच करूँ तो तेरा .....। "
मैं बोला , " क्या बेहूदी बात है ? आप भी ना ! कुछ भी बोल देती हो ।"
दीदी बोली , " अरे इसमें बेहूदगी की क्या बात है । मैं तो सिर्फ तुम्हारी मदद करने की कोशिश कर रही हूँ । "
मैंने कहा , " दीदी अब आप सो जाओ । बहुत रात हो गयी है ? "
दीदी बोली , " मुझे नहीं सोना , वैसे भी कल संडे है । "
मैंने कहा , " नहीं सोना है तो मत सो और जो करना है करो । ”
दीदी बोली , " सच ? "
मैंने कहा , " क्या सच ? "
दीदी बोली , " यही कि जो मैं चाहूं , करूँ ? ”
मैंने कहा , “ आपको जो करना है करो । गुड नाईट ! ”
दीदी बोली , " ठीक है फिर अपना पायजामा उतार , मुझे तेरा erect करना है । "
मैंने चौंकते हुए कहा , ” क्या ? पागल हो गयी हो ? आपको पता भी है क्या बोल रही हो ? "
दीदी बोली , " हाँ पता है मुझे । जब तक मुझे confrm नहीं हो जाता । मैं कैसे मान लूँ कि
तेरा erection सिर्फ लड़कों के लिये ही होता है ? "
मैंने झुंझलाते हुए कहा , " ओहो दीदी , प्लीज try to अंडरस्टैंड ।”
दीदी बोली , " तुमने प्रॉमिस किया था मेरी हर बात मानोगे ।"
मैंने कुछ जवाब नहीं दिया और ऐसे ही लेटा रहा ।
दीदी मेरे कान के पास अपना मुंह लायी और मादक आवाज़ में बोली , " एक बार मुझे try करने दे ना प्लीज । "
वो सोने देने वाली नहीं थी । इसलिये हारकर मुझे उनकी बात माननी पड़ी । मैंने कोई जवाब दिये बगैर अपना लोअर और अंडरवियर कमर से नीचे सरका दिया । दीदी ने लंड पर अपना हाथ रख दिया । लंड में कोई हरकत नहीं हुई । दीदी ने अपने हाथ से उसे सहलाना शुरू किया पर कोई रिस्पांस नहीं मिला । दीदी कभी लंड की चमड़ी को ऊपर करती , कभी उसकी मुठ मारती ,कभी मेरी गोलियों को सहलाती , पर लंड में कोई हरकत नहीं होती । करीब 10 मिनट तक ऐसे ही try करने के बाद दीदी ने मेरा लोअर ऊपर सरका दिया ।
उनकी इस नाकामयाबी से मुझे भी बहुत निराशा हुई और मैं उदास हो गया । दीदी मुझे दिलासा देने लगी और मुझे अपने सीने से लगा लिया और मैं ऐसे ही उनसे लिपट कर सो गया ।
Sunday, 3 September 2017
Didi Ke Sath Lesbian Vala Khel
दोस्तो, मेरा नाम सविता है, मैं आज आपको मेरी सच्ची कहानी बताने जा रही हूँ.
मेरी हाईट 5’5″ है, मेरा साइज़ 34-30-34 का है जो कुदरत की देन है. मुझे अपनी इस बदन पर बहुत नाज़ है.
मेरी फॅमिली में पापा-मॉम, भैया-भाभी, दीदी और मैं हैं.
बात उन दिनों की है जबी भैया की शादी हो रही थी. घर पर अच्छा माहौल बना था. मैं और मेरी दीदी किरण जो पूरी मेरे जैसी है, हाईट, वेट साइज़ फ़ीगर सब सेम है, हम दोनों बहनें हैं इस वजह से मॉम डैड के एक जैसे जींस हमारे अंदर हैं इसलिए ऐसा हुआ है कि हम एक जैसी हैं.
शादी वाले दिन सुबह ज़ब सब तैयार हो रहे थे, मैं और मेरी दीदी भी तैयार होने बाथरूम गई.
दीदी अपना तौलिया भूल गई तो वो वापस लेने गई. इतने में मैंने अपना टीशर्ट और लोअर उतारा, मैं सिर्फ ब्रा और पेंटी में थी.
ये भी पढ़े : दीदी की चुदाई दास्ता से मेरी चूत गरम हुई
इतने में दीदी आ गई दरवाज़ा खोल कर…
मैंने कहा- दीदी, दरवाज़ा तो बंद कर दो. कोई मुझे ऐसे देख लेगा तो अच्छा नहीं लगेगा!
दीदी ने दरवाज़ा बंद कर दिया और मुझे घूरने लगी.
मैंने कहा- क्या हो गया दीदी? आप मुझे ऐसे क्यूँ देख रही हो?
दीदी मुस्कुराती हुई बोली- मैं अपनी सविता को देख रही हूँ जो पता नहीं कब जवान हो गई!
मैं मुस्कुरा दी.
दीदी बोली- तेरे दूध तो ब्रा के अंदर से ही मेरे दिल को लुभा रहे हैं, ज़रा दिखा तो?
मैं शर्मा गई क्योंकि मुझे अपनी चुची की तारीफ सुनना अच्छा लगता है.
दीदी ने अपना एक हाथ मेरी चुची पर रखा और ब्रा से बाहर निकाल दिया और अपना मुख मेरे निप्पल पर ले जा कर चाटने लगी.
मुझे कुछ अलग सा महसूस हुआ कि कुछ अच्छा हो रहा है. मैंने अपनी ब्रा का हुक खोल दिया और ब्रा उतार का फेंक दी.
अब दीदी अपने दोनों हाथों से मेरे दूध मसल रही थी और अपने मुंह से चूम रही थी, मेरे दूध को पीने की कोशिश कर रही थी.
मैं उम्म्म्माआ आआआहह की आवाज़ निकाल रही थी.
मैं चाहती तो नहीं थी आवाज़ करना… पर हो रहा था… कैसा लग रहा था कि क्या बताऊँ?
दीदी ने मेरी पेंटी उतार दी और मेरी बुर में उंगली घुसा दी. मैं तड़प गई, मैंने दीदी को कहा- मत करो ना दीदी!
पर दीदी रुक नहीं रही थी. मेरे कमसिन बुर में उंगली ज़ोर ज़ोर से घुसा रही थी और चुची चूस कर मज़े ले रही थी.
मैं उम्म्ह… अहह… हय… याह… उउफ्फ़ कर रही थी… मुझे भी मज़ा आने लगा तो मैंने भी दीदी के कपड़े उतार दिए और पूरी नंगी कर दिया. मैं भी दीदी की चुची दबाने लगी और उनकी बुर में उंगली करने लगी.
फिर दीदी को पता नहीं क्या हुआ, वो मेरे होंठों को चूमने लगी.
मुझे बहुत मज़ा आ रहा था.
8-10 मिनट किस करने के बाद दीदी मेरी प्यासी गीली बुर को चाटने लगी, मैं उम्म्म्म आआहह दीदी… आहह और करो… आआअहह आहह उम्म्म्मममाआहह… करने लगी.
मैं इतने ज्यादा जोश में थी कि मैं जल्दी झड़ गई. मैंने अपना सारा पानी दीदी के मुंह में गिरा दिया.
दीदी ने कहा- अभी लेट हो रहे हैं, फिर मौका मिलेगा तो करेंगे!
और उसके बाद हम नहा धोकर तैयार होकर शादी में चले गये.
अब मैं और दीदी जबी भी मौक़ा मिलता है, नंगी होकर एक दूसरी की बुर में उंगली से, चाट कर, चुची मसल कर, चूस कर यानि हर तरह से लेस्बियन सेक्स का मजा करती हैं.
Monday, 14 August 2017
भाई के सामने बहन की ग्रुप में चुदाई
मैं राज गर्ग एक बार फिर से हाज़िर हूँ नई कहानी लेकर जिसमें भाई ने बहन को चोदा!
दोस्तो, माफी चाहूँगा स्टोरी देर से लिखने के लिए… आपको तो पता है आजकल टाइम निकलना कितनी बड़ी बात है.
अभी मैं आपको अपनी एक नई स्टोरी के साथ!
जैसा कि आप सभी जानते हो कि मेरा वाइफ स्वैपिंग क्लब है जिसमें बहुत सारे कपल हैं जो वाइफ स्वैपिंग का मज़ा लेते हैं. आप ये कहानी मस्ताराम डॉट नेट पर पढ़ रहे है |
कुंवारी चूत चुदाई का आनन्दमयी खेल-1
दोस्तो, आपको याद होगा कि मैंने आपसे पिछली स्टोरी में आप लोगों से एक सलाह माँगी थी जिसके जवाब में मेरे पास बहुत सारी मेल आई, उन मेल में बहुत सारे सुझाव भी आए. आप सभी के सुझाव और आप आपके इस प्यार के लिए मैं आप सभी को दिल से धन्यवाद करता हूँ.
चलो दोस्तो, मैं आपका अधिक वक़्त ना खराब करते हुए सीधे कहानी पर आता हूँ!
जैसा आपने मेरी एक कहानी >> सगे भाई बहन ग्रुप सेक्स के खेल में
में पढ़ा कि अग्रवाल साहब अपनी बहन पूजा गोयल को क्लब में देखकर काफ़ी हैरान हुए थे. तो हम लोगों के सामने एक गंभीर समस्या आ गई थी कि कैसे पूजा और अग्रवाल भाई बहन होते हुए सेक्स कर सकते हैं तो जैसे ही आप लोगों के सुझाव को ध्यान रखते हुए मिस पूजा गोयल ने अपने भाई के सामने एक शर्त रखी- आप मेरे भाई हैं लेकिन मैं आपके साथ बेइंसाफी नहीं कर सकती हूँ कि आप मुझे ना छुएं! मैं घर पर आपकी बहन हूँ, लेकिन यहाँ आप चाहो तो मुझे आप अपनी वाइफ भी बना सकते हो! लेकिन घर पर मैं आपकी बहन ही रहूँगी.
अग्रवाल साहब हाँ बोले!
पड़ोस की लड़की की कुँवारी चूत ली
दोस्तो, माफी चाहूँगा स्टोरी देर से लिखने के लिए… आपको तो पता है आजकल टाइम निकलना कितनी बड़ी बात है.
अभी मैं आपको अपनी एक नई स्टोरी के साथ!
जैसा कि आप सभी जानते हो कि मेरा वाइफ स्वैपिंग क्लब है जिसमें बहुत सारे कपल हैं जो वाइफ स्वैपिंग का मज़ा लेते हैं. आप ये कहानी मस्ताराम डॉट नेट पर पढ़ रहे है |
कुंवारी चूत चुदाई का आनन्दमयी खेल-1
दोस्तो, आपको याद होगा कि मैंने आपसे पिछली स्टोरी में आप लोगों से एक सलाह माँगी थी जिसके जवाब में मेरे पास बहुत सारी मेल आई, उन मेल में बहुत सारे सुझाव भी आए. आप सभी के सुझाव और आप आपके इस प्यार के लिए मैं आप सभी को दिल से धन्यवाद करता हूँ.
चलो दोस्तो, मैं आपका अधिक वक़्त ना खराब करते हुए सीधे कहानी पर आता हूँ!
जैसा आपने मेरी एक कहानी >> सगे भाई बहन ग्रुप सेक्स के खेल में
में पढ़ा कि अग्रवाल साहब अपनी बहन पूजा गोयल को क्लब में देखकर काफ़ी हैरान हुए थे. तो हम लोगों के सामने एक गंभीर समस्या आ गई थी कि कैसे पूजा और अग्रवाल भाई बहन होते हुए सेक्स कर सकते हैं तो जैसे ही आप लोगों के सुझाव को ध्यान रखते हुए मिस पूजा गोयल ने अपने भाई के सामने एक शर्त रखी- आप मेरे भाई हैं लेकिन मैं आपके साथ बेइंसाफी नहीं कर सकती हूँ कि आप मुझे ना छुएं! मैं घर पर आपकी बहन हूँ, लेकिन यहाँ आप चाहो तो मुझे आप अपनी वाइफ भी बना सकते हो! लेकिन घर पर मैं आपकी बहन ही रहूँगी.
अग्रवाल साहब हाँ बोले!
सबने अपने अपने जाम उठाए और पूजा के नाम लगाए. पहला जाम लगते ही पूजा बोली- इस खेल की शुरुआत मैं करूँगी अपने भाई की वाइफ बन कर!
और पूजा जल्दी से अपने भाई का लंड अपने मुँह में लेकर ज़ोर ज़ोर से चूसने लगी.
अग्रवाल साहब पूजा का सिर पकड़ कर अपने लंड पर दबाने लगे और बोले- ले चूस ले अपने भाई का लंड… उम्म्ह… अहह… हय… याह… निकाल दे इसका सारा माल अपने मुँह में!
पूजा ने उनका लंड 8-10 मिनट तक चूसा और उनका पानी निकाल दिया, सारा माल खुद पी गई.
फिर पूजा ने अपने भाई को बोला- भाई जी, आओ अब तुम्हारी बारी है मेरी फाड़ने की… देखती हूँ कितना दम है मेरे भाई के लंड में!
कुछ देर मेहनत करके पूजा ने फिर से अपने भाई का लंड खडा किया और अग्रवाल ने अपना लंड अपनी बहन की फुद्दी में उतार दिया एक ही झटके में!
पूजा तो ऐसे उछली कि मानो जैसे लंड फुद्दी में नहीं गांड में डाल दिया हो! पूजा ने एकदम लंड को निकाल दिया अपनी फुद्दी से… बोली- भाई, आराम से डालो… आपकी बहन की नाजुक सी फुद्दी है, और मैं भाग थोड़े रही हूँ!
तो अग्रवाल मज़े लेते हुए बोला- पता चल गया कि तुम्हारे भाई के लंड में कितना दम है?
पूजा बोली- हाँ, पता चल गया! आराम से डालो और मारो मेरी फुद्दी!
गाण्ड मेरी पटाखा बहन बानू की (Gaand Meri Patakha Bahan Banu ki)
फिर से अग्रवाल साहब ने लंड अपनी बहन की चूत में डाला और दस मिनट तक लगातार बिना रुके बहन को चोदा और अपनी बहन पूजा को झड़वा दिया.
फिर अग्रवाल साहब ने बोला- मेरा भी होने वाला है पूजा, बोलो माल अंदर डालूं या मुँह में लोगी?
पूजा बोली- मुँह में लूँगी!
यह बोल कर उसने अपना मुख खोल दिया और अग्रवाल ने अपना लंड उसमें घुसा दिया. पूजा उनका सारा माल पी गई. आप ये कहानी मस्ताराम डॉट नेट पर पढ़ रहे है |
मेरे बहन गुड्डी के चूत में डाला (Mere Behen Guddi Ke Chut mein dala)
फिर सबने बारी बारी पूजा की चूत की ठुकाई की, पूरी रात उसकी फुद्दी के मज़े लिए और सुबह सब अपने अपने घर निकल गये.
लेकिन जाते जाते पूजा ने अग्रवाल साहब का एक बार फिर लंड चूसा और माल पिया, बोली- मेरी शर्त याद रखना!
तो अग्रवाल साहब बोले- ठीक है!
दोस्तो, आपको मेरी स्टोरी कैसी लगी जिसमें एक भाई ने बहन को चोदा? मुझे मेल करके ज़रूर बतायें, मुझे आपके मेल्स का इंतज़ार रहेगा.
आज की और भी मजेदार कहानियां पढ़े....बस यह पर क्लिक करें...
और पूजा जल्दी से अपने भाई का लंड अपने मुँह में लेकर ज़ोर ज़ोर से चूसने लगी.
अग्रवाल साहब पूजा का सिर पकड़ कर अपने लंड पर दबाने लगे और बोले- ले चूस ले अपने भाई का लंड… उम्म्ह… अहह… हय… याह… निकाल दे इसका सारा माल अपने मुँह में!
पूजा ने उनका लंड 8-10 मिनट तक चूसा और उनका पानी निकाल दिया, सारा माल खुद पी गई.
फिर पूजा ने अपने भाई को बोला- भाई जी, आओ अब तुम्हारी बारी है मेरी फाड़ने की… देखती हूँ कितना दम है मेरे भाई के लंड में!
कुछ देर मेहनत करके पूजा ने फिर से अपने भाई का लंड खडा किया और अग्रवाल ने अपना लंड अपनी बहन की फुद्दी में उतार दिया एक ही झटके में!
पूजा तो ऐसे उछली कि मानो जैसे लंड फुद्दी में नहीं गांड में डाल दिया हो! पूजा ने एकदम लंड को निकाल दिया अपनी फुद्दी से… बोली- भाई, आराम से डालो… आपकी बहन की नाजुक सी फुद्दी है, और मैं भाग थोड़े रही हूँ!
तो अग्रवाल मज़े लेते हुए बोला- पता चल गया कि तुम्हारे भाई के लंड में कितना दम है?
पूजा बोली- हाँ, पता चल गया! आराम से डालो और मारो मेरी फुद्दी!
गाण्ड मेरी पटाखा बहन बानू की (Gaand Meri Patakha Bahan Banu ki)
फिर से अग्रवाल साहब ने लंड अपनी बहन की चूत में डाला और दस मिनट तक लगातार बिना रुके बहन को चोदा और अपनी बहन पूजा को झड़वा दिया.
फिर अग्रवाल साहब ने बोला- मेरा भी होने वाला है पूजा, बोलो माल अंदर डालूं या मुँह में लोगी?
पूजा बोली- मुँह में लूँगी!
यह बोल कर उसने अपना मुख खोल दिया और अग्रवाल ने अपना लंड उसमें घुसा दिया. पूजा उनका सारा माल पी गई. आप ये कहानी मस्ताराम डॉट नेट पर पढ़ रहे है |
मेरे बहन गुड्डी के चूत में डाला (Mere Behen Guddi Ke Chut mein dala)
फिर सबने बारी बारी पूजा की चूत की ठुकाई की, पूरी रात उसकी फुद्दी के मज़े लिए और सुबह सब अपने अपने घर निकल गये.
लेकिन जाते जाते पूजा ने अग्रवाल साहब का एक बार फिर लंड चूसा और माल पिया, बोली- मेरी शर्त याद रखना!
तो अग्रवाल साहब बोले- ठीक है!
दोस्तो, आपको मेरी स्टोरी कैसी लगी जिसमें एक भाई ने बहन को चोदा? मुझे मेल करके ज़रूर बतायें, मुझे आपके मेल्स का इंतज़ार रहेगा.
आज की और भी मजेदार कहानियां पढ़े....बस यह पर क्लिक करें...
सगे भाई बहन ग्रुप सेक्स के खेल में
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मेरी माँ की चुदाई की सच्ची कहानी जरुर पढ़े
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Friday, 14 April 2017
दीदी को बेटे की चाहत
ये कहानी मेरी दिदि की चुदाई की है ।मेेरी दिदि की उम्र 32 साल है ।उनके 2 बच्चे है, दोनों लड़की है ।मेेरी दिदि एकदम मस्त माल हैं ।गोरा बदन, 36 साईज की चुुुचिया ,38 की गाड, 34 की कमर ,गहरी नाभी ।ऐसा की एक बार कोई देेेेख ले तो लंंड बिना खड़ा किए रह नहीं सकता ।मेेरी दिदि हमेेशा गिरा हुुुआ गला का ब्लाउज पहनती हैं ।बात तब की है जब दिदि घर आई थी, एक दिन हमारे घर पंंडित जी आए, वो हमारे घर में बहुत पहले से पूूूूजा करवाते थे ।
हमारे घर के सभी लोग उनका सम्मान करते थे ।सभी लोग उनसे आशीर्वाद ले रहे थे ।फिर थोड़ी देेेर बाद दिदि उनका पैैैर छुुुके आशीर्वाद लेेेेने के लिए झुुुुकी तो उनका आँचल सड़क गया, जिससे दिदि की चुुची की गहराई को देखकर पंंडित जी की आँखे चमक उठी ।
फिर कुुुछ देेेर दिदि को देेेेखने के बाद पंंडित जी बोले बेेेेटी तुम्हारे माथे की लकीर बता रही हैं कि तुुम्हे कुुुछ परेेेेसानी हैं ।
तुम्हारे मन की इच्छा पूूरी नहीं हो रही हैं ।दिदि बोली हा बाबा आप सही कह रहे हैं, दिदि बोली, बाबा मैं क्या करू जिससे मेेरी मन की इच्छा पूरी हो जाएगी ।मैं कुुुछ भी करने को तैैैयार हू ।पंंडित जी बोले , कल तुुुम मेेेरेे आशृृृृम में आ कर मिलो उपाय बतााऊंगा ।और पंंडित जी चले गए ।अगले दिन दिदि तैैैयार होकर बोली, राज जरा आश्रम तक छोड़ दो, मैं दिदि को लेकर आश्रम पहुुँचा, तो वहा पर पंंडित जी अकेले बैैठे हुुुुए थे ।दिदि उन्हें पृृणाम की तब पंंडित जी आशीर्वाद देेेेने के बहाने उनका पिठ सहलाने लगे, तभी उनका नजर मुुझपे पड़ा तो अपना हाथ हटा लिये, और बोले बेेेेटी अंंदर चलो, अंंदर चलकर बाते करते हैं ।तब दिदि बोली राज तुुुुम बाहर बैैठो मैं थोड़ी देर में आती हूूँ ।मैं बोला ठीक है दिदि ।दिदि पंंडित जी के साथ अंंदर चली गई।बाहर से कुुुछ दिखाई नहीं दे रहा था बस आवाजें आ रही थी ।तो मैं ध्यान से सुुुननेे लगा ।पंंडित जी बोले ,बताओं क्या परेसानी है, तो दिदि बोली बाबा मुुझे 2 लड़कियाँ हैं बस मुझे एक बेेटा चाहिए ।तब पंंडित जी बोले इसके लिए तम्हें तन और मन से पूूजा करनी होगी ।
ये भी पढ़े: नयी नहीं मजेदार चुदाई की कहानियां एक बार जरुर पढ़े माजा ना आये तो बोलना
मैं तमसे जो पुुुछू उसका जबाब सच सच देेेना ।पंंडित जी ने दिदि को कुुुछ दिया, बोले खा जाओ दिदि उसे खा गई ।थोड़ी ही देर में दिदि को नसा सा छाने लगा ।पंंडित जी ने दिदि से पूूूूछा ,तुुुुम्हरा मासिक समय पर आता है की नहीं, तब दिदि बोली आता है बाबा,अभी तो 5 रोज पहले खत्म हुुुआ हैं ।तब बाबा बोले तुुम्हारे अंंदर बेेेटा वाला बीज डालना होगा।तब दिदि बोली डालिए न।तब बाबा ने दिदि की ब्लाउज को खोल दिया और दिदि की चुुुची को दबाने लगे, और दिदि से पूछा कैैसा लग रहा है,दिदि बोली अच्छा लग रहा है ।फिर पंंडित जी ने दिदि को नंंगा कर दिया और उनके बुुुर को चुसने लगा ।थोड़ी देर बाद दिदि बोली मुझसे अब रहा नहीं जाता ।तो पंंडित जी ने दिदि की टागेेेे चौरी की और एक ही बार में पूूरा 11 इंच का लंंड दिदि की बुुुर मै घुुसा दिया दिदि कराह उठी ।पंंडित जी ने दिदि को पूूूरे 30 मिनट तक चोदा ।और बोले पूूूरे 9 दिन आना ।बेेेटा जरूूूर होगा।
हमारे घर के सभी लोग उनका सम्मान करते थे ।सभी लोग उनसे आशीर्वाद ले रहे थे ।फिर थोड़ी देेेर बाद दिदि उनका पैैैर छुुुके आशीर्वाद लेेेेने के लिए झुुुुकी तो उनका आँचल सड़क गया, जिससे दिदि की चुुची की गहराई को देखकर पंंडित जी की आँखे चमक उठी ।
तुम्हारे मन की इच्छा पूूरी नहीं हो रही हैं ।दिदि बोली हा बाबा आप सही कह रहे हैं, दिदि बोली, बाबा मैं क्या करू जिससे मेेरी मन की इच्छा पूरी हो जाएगी ।मैं कुुुछ भी करने को तैैैयार हू ।पंंडित जी बोले , कल तुुुम मेेेरेे आशृृृृम में आ कर मिलो उपाय बतााऊंगा ।और पंंडित जी चले गए ।अगले दिन दिदि तैैैयार होकर बोली, राज जरा आश्रम तक छोड़ दो, मैं दिदि को लेकर आश्रम पहुुँचा, तो वहा पर पंंडित जी अकेले बैैठे हुुुुए थे ।दिदि उन्हें पृृणाम की तब पंंडित जी आशीर्वाद देेेेने के बहाने उनका पिठ सहलाने लगे, तभी उनका नजर मुुझपे पड़ा तो अपना हाथ हटा लिये, और बोले बेेेेटी अंंदर चलो, अंंदर चलकर बाते करते हैं ।तब दिदि बोली राज तुुुुम बाहर बैैठो मैं थोड़ी देर में आती हूूँ ।मैं बोला ठीक है दिदि ।दिदि पंंडित जी के साथ अंंदर चली गई।बाहर से कुुुछ दिखाई नहीं दे रहा था बस आवाजें आ रही थी ।तो मैं ध्यान से सुुुननेे लगा ।पंंडित जी बोले ,बताओं क्या परेसानी है, तो दिदि बोली बाबा मुुझे 2 लड़कियाँ हैं बस मुझे एक बेेटा चाहिए ।तब पंंडित जी बोले इसके लिए तम्हें तन और मन से पूूजा करनी होगी ।
ये भी पढ़े: नयी नहीं मजेदार चुदाई की कहानियां एक बार जरुर पढ़े माजा ना आये तो बोलना
मैं तमसे जो पुुुछू उसका जबाब सच सच देेेना ।पंंडित जी ने दिदि को कुुुछ दिया, बोले खा जाओ दिदि उसे खा गई ।थोड़ी ही देर में दिदि को नसा सा छाने लगा ।पंंडित जी ने दिदि से पूूूूछा ,तुुुुम्हरा मासिक समय पर आता है की नहीं, तब दिदि बोली आता है बाबा,अभी तो 5 रोज पहले खत्म हुुुआ हैं ।तब बाबा बोले तुुम्हारे अंंदर बेेेटा वाला बीज डालना होगा।तब दिदि बोली डालिए न।तब बाबा ने दिदि की ब्लाउज को खोल दिया और दिदि की चुुुची को दबाने लगे, और दिदि से पूछा कैैसा लग रहा है,दिदि बोली अच्छा लग रहा है ।फिर पंंडित जी ने दिदि को नंंगा कर दिया और उनके बुुुर को चुसने लगा ।थोड़ी देर बाद दिदि बोली मुझसे अब रहा नहीं जाता ।तो पंंडित जी ने दिदि की टागेेेे चौरी की और एक ही बार में पूूरा 11 इंच का लंंड दिदि की बुुुर मै घुुसा दिया दिदि कराह उठी ।पंंडित जी ने दिदि को पूूूरे 30 मिनट तक चोदा ।और बोले पूूूरे 9 दिन आना ।बेेेटा जरूूूर होगा।
Maa or Bahan ki Ek Sath Chudai
hello dosto mera naam ravi hai or me aapni aachi ghatna batane jaa raha ho eye ghatna us wakat ki hai jab me garmi ki chuti me ghar aaya tha mere maa or bahan ghar me akele hi rahte the mere maa ki umar 39 or bahan ki 23 year hai or mera umar 19 year ho raha hai ek din jab me subha utha to mujhe joor se pesab laga tha me batheroom me pesab karne gaya to jo waha dekha to heran hi rah gaya ek baat batadu me aapni maa ko pahle se hi buri najar se dekhta tha or meri maa bhi jaanti thi ki me kiya karna chahta tha to mene batheroom me jo dekha ki maa aapni chut me ugali kar rahi thi mene dekha to mene soch ki me to yahi chaah raha tha kiyuki ek do baar maa ko esi harkat karte dekh liya tha par muka par pahuch nahi pata tha us din mujhe moka mila or maa mujhe dekh kar sarma gai par me nahi sarmaya or maa ki sar par hath rakh kar sar sahlane laga maa boli aaj nahi beta aaj nahi to mene kaha kiyu maa booli abhi dard ho raha hai raat me mene maa ki baat maan liya par ek sart rakha fir maa se boola maa ek sart hai maa booli kesa sart mene kaha me aapki chut chatna chahta hu or boobs ko
aapni hatho se maslna chahta hu maa maan gai fir mene maa ko batheroom me leta kar muh maa ki chut ke paas le gaya or jiv se maa ki chut chatne laga or ek hath se maa ki boobs masal raha tha ese karib 5 min chala uske baad jab hum ek dusre se lipte hue the tab aachank se meri didi aa gai or dekh kar sarma gai or turan waha se bhag gai mene maa se kaha maa aap didi ko samjhana maa boole beta tum chinta mat karo me use bhi me use aapne sath usko bhi chudwane ko kahugi me maa ki muh se ye baat sunre hi ki didi ki bhi hum se hi chudwaegi to me maa ke hot ko turan jabran kiss kar diya hum log ko didi ke bare me baat karte 1 ghanta ho gaya tha fir maa kapdhe pahan kar didi ki paas gai me batheroom me hi rah gaya maa didi se puchi beti tum kab aai to didi booli maa jab aap or ravi dono lange ek dusare me chipke hue the tab mene sab dekh liya maa aap etani gandi ho mene kab sapne me bhi nahi soch tha maa booli nahi beti tum galat samjh rahi ho hai me galati ki lekin tumhare papa ke gujar jane ke baad aaj tak mene kisi se esa nahi karwaya hai tum bhi to ek orat ho tum to jaanti ho orate sex ke mamle me sabse aage hoti hai to didi booli maa ravi aapka beta hai or aap usi se maa booli beti tumhara boyfriend hai didi booli nahi tumne kabhi aapni chut me kisika land liya hai didi booli nahi maa kahi ki tabhi tum meri bhawana ko nahi samjh paa rahi hai maa booli beti tum eye baat kisi ke paas nahi kahna to didi ne kaha ek sart par nahi kahuga maa booli me bhi aapke sath sex karugi maa kahi haa kiyu nahi karo fir maa or didi puri lanagi ho gai didi ke boobs pura tait tha gand maa ki gand se bhi didi ka badha tha maa or didi 69 ki position me hoge or ek dusare ki chut chatne lage esa lagbhag 25min tak chalta raha fir me kapdha pahan kar batheroom se nikal kar aapne room chala gaya or maa or didi naha kar bazar chale gaye me becheni se raat kaa intejar kar raha tha kuch der ke baad raat ho gai maa or didi karib10 baje raat me mere room me aai fir dono mere bed par let gai fir maa booli ravi pahle aapni didi ko chod fir baad me mujhe chudna mene maa ki baat maan kar didi ki kapdhe utarne laga didi aakhe band kar le mene didi ko langa kar diya udar maa bhi langa ho gai fir maa mera 8 inc ka land muh me le kar chusne lagi or me didi ki chut ko chatne laga didi pahli baar sex karwa rahi thi maa bool beta ab mera chut chato or didi tumhari land legi maa ka chut chatne laga didi mera land chatne lagi
Saturday, 8 April 2017
Meri didi ki chut ka ras
ये कहानी मेरी दीदी के साथ चुदाई की है ।मेरी दीदी की उमृ 30 साल है ।उनके 3बच्चे है ।मेरे जीजा जी बाहर काम करते है ।बात तब की है जब मैं दीदी के यहाँ घुमने गया, वैशे मेरी शादी जब से हुआ मुझे समय ही नहीं मिलता कहीं जाने के लिए । जब मैं दीदी के यहाँ पहुँचा, दीदी मुझे देखकर बहुत खुश हुई। दीदी से थोड़ी बात चीत करने के बाद बाहर चला गया ।साम को जब आया तो दीदी खाना बना रही थी ।तो मैं बच्चों को पढाने लगा।थोड़ी देर बाद दीदी ने आवाज लगाई ,आदी खाना लगा दिया है आ जाओ।सभी मिलकर एक साथ खाना खाए और सोने की तैयारी होने लगी । दीदी बोली आदी बरसात का मौसम है यही बेड पर सो जाना।
मैं और बच्चे सोने लगे,थोड़ी ही देर में बच्चे सो गए।मुझे निद नहीं आ रही थी सो मैं गेम खेलने लगा ।थोड़ी देर बाद दीदी मेरे बगल में आकर बैठ गई,और बातें करने लगी । बातों बातों में दीदी ने पूछा, आदी शादी के 2 साल हो गए में अभी तक कोई बच्चा नहीं, क्या बात है ।तो मैं बोला दीदी फैमिली प्लानिंग चल रहा है, बच्चों का क्या जब चाहो कर लो ।
दीदी बोली हा मौज मस्ती कर लो,नहीं तो बाद में कुछ नहीं होता ।मतलब-मैं बोला ।तो दीदी बोली तुम्हारे जीजू का तो मुझसे मन भर गया है ।तो मैं बोला दीदी आप तो इतनी सुन्दर हो, अब तो और सेक्सी हो गयी, मुझे तो आपका सबकुछ अच्छा लगता हैं ।तो दीदी बोली मुझमें ऐसा क्या है जो तुम्हें अच्छा लगता हैं ।मैं बोला सच पूछो तो मुझे लड़कियों से ज्यादा औरतें अच्छी लगती है ।और आप तो पूरी औरत हो।मुझे आपकी बड़ी बड़ी चुचिया और उभरे हुए गाड बहुत अच्छी लगती है ।तो दीदी बोली पागल हो क्या, मेरा तो सबकुछ ढिला हो गया है ।
माँ की चुदाई
hello dosto mera naam vikash hai mera umar 18 year hai aaj jo me apni ek sachi kahani batane ja raha ho jo mera or meri maa ke bech hua hai me apne maa ko lekar ghar jaa raha tha mere maa bahut hi sexy hai unhe koi bhi dekh kar mudh mar leta ham log metro me chdhe usi bogi me mere purane dost mil gaye dosto ne mujhe dekha or bola are vikash kese ho me bola thik hu tum sab batao kese ho ham sab thik hai meri maa boli vikash betho bas itna hi sunte mere dosto ne bola are vikash tum saadi kar liye or hame bulaya bhi nahi maa ye baat sun kar sarm ke mare muh niche kar ke haas gai dosto ne pin marna chalu kar diya bhabhi kesi ho maa boli thik hu fir mere dosto ne pucha bhabhi hanimun manane ja rahi hai mere maa sarma gai or boli haa mere maan me ladho fut rahe the mere dost bole gandhi road me mera ghar hai bhabhi aap mere ghar apna hanimun mana sakte hai maa booli nahi me medan stetion par utaru gi dosto ne gid ki or maa maan gai fir hum log dost ke ghar chale gaye mere dost ne kaha aap log room me jao hum dono room me gaye maa to sarm ke maare paani paani ho gai mere dost room me aaye or boole vikash bhabhi ko kiss karo me boola nahi fir dosto ne maa ko kaha bhabhi app vikash ko kiss karo pis mere maa udhi or mere hot ko aapne hot se kiss karne lagi itna dekh mere dost bahar jaa kar darwaja band kar ke waps chale gaye maa kiss kar rahi thi me bhi kiss karne laaga me jos me ho gaya maa ke chuchi dabane laga maa mujhe jor se dhaka di or booli tum kiya kar rahe ho mene kaha maa aap hi ne to kiss kiya tha maa boli.
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
Salman Khan and Aishwarya Rai Ki Sexy Story | सलमान खान और येस्वार्य राय की चुदाई की कहानी
Aaj me Aapko Bollywood ki Ek Mash hur Jodi ki Love story sunane ja raha hu.vo jodi he Salman khan or Ashvriya Ray ki.
Ye Love Story News papers me chapi news ke mutabik mene likhi he.Jo ki us vkt se lekar aaj tak in dono ke bare me chapti rahi he.
Ye Love story film ''Ham Dil De Chuke Sanam , se shuru hokar Film ''Chalte Chalte , ke set pr khatam hui thi.
U To Ashvriya Ray ki kuch filme un dino aa chuki thi.mgr khaas kamiyaab nhi ho ski. Or Salman un dino kai hit filme de rahe the.vese bhi Salman ko kai actress ne kamiyabi pane ki sidhi bnaya tha ,or jab vo kamiyaab hui to vo salman se alg ho gai.Un dino Salman ke sitare bulandi pr the. Film director Sanjay lila Bhansali film ''Ham dil de chuke sanam, bnane ki teyari me the.Salman or Ajay ko to vo film me sine kar chuke the,mgr hiroin ke liye talash jari film ke liye Salman ke mashvre pr Sanjay ne Ashvriya ko sine kiya.Ash ki khubsurati ke charche bollywood me bhi aam fir Salman ki nazre kyu kar un par na padti.Ye pahla kadam tha Salman ka Ash ko apni taraf Muta,assir karne ka.Jab Ash ko pta chala ki salman ki Sifarish pr sanjay ne unko is film ke liye sine kiya he to unhone Salman se milkar unka shukriya ada kiya.yahin se Aankho ki Gustakhiyon ka silsila shuru ho gya.yani Nazren milni shuru ho gai.Ajay or Salman ke bich dostana ta,allukaat the.isliye Salman ne sabse pahle Ajay ko is bare me bataya.mgr Ajay ne unse kaha ki tum thoda sbr kro , Abhi film ki shuting shuru hi hui he.agr abhi se kuch gadbad ho gai to jyada problems khadi ho jaengi.khair Salman ne sbr to kar liya , mgr unit ke sath Ash bhi thi.or salman to aankho hi Aankho me use Dil de chuke the.mgr abhi to bahut kuch karna baki tha.Shuting ke time bhi Salman esi harkten karte jisse sari unit ke log hans sab Ash ke liye hota tha.or ye Bate Ash bhi samajhti thi.Raat ko unit ke log kai der tak aapas me hansi mazaak karte rahte or fir sab chale jate, pr Salman vhin pr bethe rahte.Shayad unki nind to ud chuki thi.Salman Raat ko hmesha der se sote the.or Ash kbhi kbhi apne room se Baalkoni me aakar niche kursi pr bethe salman ko dekhti.
पेनिस के बारे में हैरान कर देने वाली बाते
or chup chap chali jati.Abhi tak to silsila aankho tak hi chal raha tha.Salman Ash ko hansane ke liye tarah tarah ke drame karte the.kbhi jok sunate to kbhi Shayri bnakar use bigaad kar suna dete jisse sab hans padte the.Raat ko to rojana Mahfil jamti thi , mazaak khushnuma mahol ke bich Ajay or Salman ki mojudgi ,mahol ko or bhi rangeen bna deti thi.kbhi ye dono ek dusre ki tang khenchte , to kbhi mohabbat bhari ladai karte , to kbhi sge bhaiyon ki tarah imoshnal ho jate.Ash is pyare se mahol ke liye din me raat ka intjaar karti.Din me bhi shuting ke doraan Salman Ash ko dikhane ke liye tarah tarah ke jatan karte.Film ke ek seen me Salman or Ash ki dosti ho jati vkt Salman hakikat me Ash se dosti kar rahe hote seen ki shuting hone ke baad Salman ne Ash se kaha tha ki ''Ab ham dost ho chuke he , To Ash ne mazaak me kaha ki ji nhi vo film me dost hue he,to Salman bole ki Kamaal he tumne film me Samir se dosti ki , or Salman ne hakikat me Ash se dosti ki he.Ab aapki marzi he ki aap hme dost samjhe ya dushman hmne to aapko dost bna liya Ash hanste hue vhan se chali gai.Salman ne dhire se kaha ki dekhte he ki kab tak bhav khati tarah pyaar bhari takraar me film ki shuting aage badhti rahi.Ek din shuting ke doraan Ash ke per me chot lag gai.usi vkt salman ne Doctor ko bulaya.usne marham patti ki or kuch din rest ki salaah dedi.Ash ab rest pr thi.or Salman ne un dino uski bahut khidmat ki.uske liye bahut bhag dod ki.sirf apne pyaar ko jatane ke liye.khair ye mahnat bekaar nhi vkt Ash ko lga ki Salman usse hakikat me kitna chahte film me jo Gana he ''Nimbuda,, us gane se pahle Salman ne Ash se mohabbat ka Izhaar kar diya tha.or Ash ne bhi unki Mohabbat ko manzur kar liya baat se dono ke dil khushi se bhar chuke the.jiska Ijhaar is gane ke dance me mahsus hota he.Jisme Ash ne dil kholkar dance gane ke doraan Salman film me Ash se naraz hote he.or Ajay Ash ko pasand karte he.Lekin us vkt Naraaz Salman ke chahre pr khushi jesa mahol bna tha.kyu ki andar pyaar ke ijhaar ki khushi ne halchal macha rakhi thi. Khair is gane me Ajay ki entry hoti he, jiske baad story Ajay or Ash pr chalti film ki shutting me Salman ne Ash ke naam 24 Letar likhe Ash ko vo dete rahte the.Jab tak is film ki shuting chali in dono ke pyaar ke charche puri duniya me pahunch chuke the.mgr dono is baat ko chupa rahe the.Halanki is film ko dekh kar hi pta chalta he ki har chiz real jesi lagti he.khas kar Salman- Ash ka pyaar.Mere khayaal se Salman ne Ash se sachi mohabbat ki thi.Ladkiyan to unki jindgi me kai aai.,mgr Ash ko lekar vo bahut hi siriyas the.inki mohabbat ka silsila yahin pr nhi thama.shuting khatam hone ke baad bhi inki mulakaton ka silsila khatam nhi vkt inki mohabbat ke charche puri duniya me aam the.Ash ke ghar valo ne use bahut samjhaya ki tum apne Carrier pr jyada dhiyaan do.mgr nakaam rahe.Ash bhi Salman ki mohabbat me diwani ho chuki thi.,Ash ke ghar valo ne us par shakhti karni shuru kar ki shuting ke liye uske sath jate , or shuting se ghar tak use lekar aate the.
Ab Ash Salman se mil nhi pati thi.kai din is tarah gujar gae.or ye Judai Salman pr bhi bhari padne lgi.usne kai baar fon karne ki koshish ki , mgr baat nhi hoti thi.Yahan Aap sabke jahan me Ek savaal aata hoga ki Aakhir Ash ke ghar vale Salman ko kyu na pasand karte the.iski kai sari vjaah thi.Ek to ye ki Salman ko vo sab Play Boy samajhte the,kyu ki Salman ke sath kai ladkiyon ka naam pahle hi jud chukka tha.jinme se kai usse shadi bhi karna chahti thi, mgr Salman abhi shadi karna nhi chahte vjaah se kai ke sath brack up ho chukka tha.Ash ke ghar vale ye bhi samajhte the ki Salman iske sath bhi vhi karega jo baki ladkiyon ke sath kiya,yani shadi ke jhuthe vade karke sath time gujaar kar fir shadi se inkaar.Dusra Salman ki Image Ek Play boy ki rahi he, jiski jindgi me Kai ladkiyan aai or chali gai.Tisri unki sharab ki buri latt.aae din sharab pikar unke hangama karne , maar pit karne ki khabre papers me chapti rahti sab baton ki vjaah se Ash ke ghar valo ne use salman se door rakhne ki koshish ki.mgr un dino Ash bhi salman ko chahti thi.unhi dino Ash Abhishek bachan ke sath Jesalmer (Rajasthan) me film ''Dhai Aksar prem ke'' film ki shutting kar rahi thi.unhi dino News papers me Abhishek or Ashvriya ke romance ki khabren chapna shuru ho gai.or Salman ke kano tak bhi pahunchi , to vo usi vkt Mumbai se Jesalmer ke liye ravana hue.vhan jakar bhi vo apne gusse ko kabu me nhi rakh ske , or Ash se akele me milkar use ek thappad rasid kar diya.jisse vo salman se bahut Naraaz ho gai.
fir Salman ko apne is kiye pr pachtava shuru ho gya.fir usne Ash ko manane ke liye tarah tarah ki koshishe suru kar di.un dino mene ek paper me pdha tha ki Salman ne Ash ko manane ke liye bina ruke 40 k.m Saikal chalai thi.jise Jesalmer ke kafi logo ne dekha.aaj bhi jesalmer me ye kissa mashur he.khair , Salman ne jese bhi ho Ash ko mna hi moke ka fayda uthate hue film ''Dhai aksar prem ke ,, ke director ne Salman se bhi film me thoda sa rol karva liya.kyu ki Salman us vkt Top star the.unka naam hi kisi film ke sath judna us film ki kamiyabi ke liye kafi vkt Abhishek ki mojudgi me Salman ne Ash ke sath jesalmer me jindgi ke haseen lamhaat bitae, kise pta tha ki aane vale vkt me Ash isi Abhishek bachan ki Bivi bnegi.Ash ke ghar valo ki lakh pabandi ke bavjud bhi Salman Ek Hiro ki tarah usse milte film ki shutting ke khatam hone ke baad sabhi Mumbai vapas aa gae.or Salman Ash ki mulakaton ka silsila fir se tham tarah kuch filmo ki shutting me jinme Ash hoti thi, Salman usse milne film ke set par pahunch jate the.or kai baar vhan mojud logo se jhagda bhi kar lete the.kbhi shutting me tang adate the.un dino Salman or shahrukh khan film ''Ham tumhare he sanam,, ki Shutting kar rahe the, jahan Ash bhi Salman se milne kbhi kbhi chali jati thi.isi moke ka fayda uthate hue is film ke director ne Ash ko bhi is film me Salman ki premika ka chota sa rol film ke kuch time baad Ash apne ghar valo ki vjaah se Salman se door hoti gai.or ye judai Salman bardasht nhi kar ske.isliye Ek Raat vo khub Sharab pikar Ash ke ghar ka darvaza bajate rahe.or unke ma baap ko galiyan bhi dete rhe.jis vjaah se Ash ke dil me Salman ki mohabbat km padti rahi.uske ghar valo ne Salman ke khilaaf police me riport bhi karvai.mgr kuch nhi ho vo din the jab inke brack up ki khabren news papers me chapni bhi shuru ho chuki thi.mgr breck up hua nhi tha.Shahrukh khan un dino apni home production film ''Chalte Chalte ,, shuru kar rahe the.unke mashvre pr is film me Ash ko hiroin liya gya.or shutting bhi shuru kar di dino Ashvriya Salman se us raat ke habgame ki vjaah se naraz to thi hi.or Salman jinko galtiyan karne ke baad Ahsas hota he.fir se us raat ki galti ka ahsas hua.or vo film ''Chalte Chalte,, ke set pr fir se Ash ko manane ke liye ja pahunche.vhan vo baar baar Ash ko shutting me disturb karte.jis vjaah se film ke hiro Shahrukh khan ka garam dimaag garam ho jata.unke is ravaiye ki vjaah se Shahrukh ne unko samjhane ki koshish ki , Natije me Salman ne unko bhi galiyan deni shuru kar ki shahrukh bardasht na kar ske.or bole ki is sare Fasaad ki jad Ash he,isi ki vjaah se sara hangama khada hua he,or Shahrukh ne gusse me Ashvriya ko hi is film se nikaal diya.Tbhi se Shahrukh or Ashvriya ki nhi film se Ash ko nikala gya , jisse vo bahut jyada disturb ho gai.or usne tng aakar Salman se break up ka fesla kar liya. Halanki midia ne to pahle hi in dono ke break up ki khabren chap di thi.khair , is maamle ke baad to Ash ne salman se bilkul hi milna chod diya.or us doran usne apne dil ke bojh ko km karne ke liye Vivek Obray se dosti kar li.Darasl ye dosti film ''Kyu ho gya na'' ke set pr hui film me Vivek or Ash ki jodi thi.Vivek ne is dosti ko pyaar samajh liya.Ash ne use Salman ki harkton ke bare me bta diya tha.or Vivek ne Ash ki dosti ko pyaar samajh kar Salman se panga le liya.sabse pahle usne Salman ke khilaaf Ash ko satane or pareshan karne Dhamkane ki police me riport karvai.un dino Papers me Vivek or Ash ke pyaar ki afvahen aam ho chuki thi.jinko padh ya sun kar Vivek to khush hote honge,mgr Ash pareshan hoti thi.kyu ki uske dil me vivek ke liye sirf dosti ki jagah thi.mohabbat ki nhi.Dusri taraf Salman khan in khabron ko padh kar apna havaas kho bethe.or unhone pahle to Ashvriya ko fon par gandi gandi Galiyan di , or vivek se door rahne ki hidayat bhi di.use nhi maalum tha ki ye fon tape ho raha he.Ash or Salman ki is fon pr baat chit ko News chenals ne duniyan ko sunaya.or pepars me bhi khub bdha chadha kar chapa gya.idhar Vivek ko bhi Salman ne Ek hi raat me 41 baar fon karke Ash se door rahne ki hidayat di.or sath hi jaan se maarne ki dhamki bhi di bare me jyada malumat karne ke liye inter net pr ''Tere mere bich me with Farah khan'' sarch Karen 'ye farah khan ka ek show he jisme Vivek ne in baton ka jikr kiya he.jise aap jab chahe sun sakte Episode me Farah khan ne Vivek se us maamle ke bare me pucha tha , jiske javab me Vivek ne khul kar midia ke saamne us raat ke raaz ko bataya tha.khair Vivek ne bhi police me Salman ke khilaaf khud ko or Ash ko dhamkane ki shikayat drz karvai.or Sath hi midia me jakar sari duniyan ke samne Salman ke bare me khub khari khoti bayan ki.Salman khan se panga lena aaj Vivek apni jindgi ki sabse bdi bhul maante he,jiski sza vo aaj tak bhugat rahe he.natijatan unko filmo me kaam milna bnd ho gya.bde bde film directors ne usse kinara kar liya.or uska carrier tabaho barbad ho gya.kyu ki use kaam dekar koi bhi director salman se dushmni nhi karna chahta tha.ese mod pr Ashvriya ne bhi usse kinara kar liya.or vo akela rah gya.Ab Salman or Ashvriya ka break up bhi ho chukka tha.Salman ne un dino apne carrier pr dhiyan dena bhi chod diya tha,vo har vkt Ash ki yado me khoye rahte the.Natija ye hua ki unki filme bhi dhada dhad flop hone lgi.or vo ek nakara star bankar rah gye.kbhi to vo Ash ki penting bnane me mashgul kbhi raat raat bhar sharab ke nashe me.idhar Ash ne in dono majnuo se Rishta todkar apne cerriar pr dhiyan dena shuru kar diya.or Film ''Guru'' ke doran use Abhishek se pyaar ho gya.Salman ko unki girl friend Ketrina ne sahara diya.or Bhai Arbaaz or Sohel ne bhi bahut samjhaya.or apne cerriar pr jyada dhiyan dene ki targeeb dilai.fir Salman ne is gam se nikal kar film ''Tere Naam,, sine film ki kamiyabi ne unke jakhmo pr marham lagaya.or unko dubara Star film ki story bhi ek Nakaam Aashiq ki dastan thi.or Salman to vese bhi un dino ek nakam Aashiq the,to is film me unke sache mgr nakaam pyar ko duniya ke samne la diya.or ye film Salman ke liye dubara Anmol saabit hui.Aaj bhi puri duniya me har jagah is film ka Radhe aapko dekhne ko mil hi jate he.khair, uske baad Ashvriya or Abhishek ka romance aam ho chukka tha.inki mohabbat ko dekhte hue Amitabh bachan ne Ash ke ghar valo se uska hath apne bete ke liye mang liya. Bollywood ki itni mashur hasti jinke sath kaam karna har hiro ka sapna hota he.unke ghar ki bahu banna har ladki ki khush naseebi hoti sochkar Ash ke ghar valo ne ye rishta tay kar diya.or kuch hi dino me ye dono shadi ke bandhan me bandh gye.Ash ki shadi ho chuki thi.or Salman fir se apne cerriar ko behtar banana me lge hue the.or kai filme sine kar chuke the.or bahut jyada mashgul the.or dusri taraf Vivek ne bhi Salman se kai baar mafi maangne ki koshish ki mgr Salman ne use maaf nhi kiya.Aaj bhi vo Bollywood ke sabse jyada be rojgaar hiro bankar rah gye.unke paas kaam nhi ''Pyare Mohan'' se unhone dubara apne cerriar pr dhiyaan dena shuru kiya.mgr abhi bhi unko ekka dukka filme hi milti he.
सेक्स के बारे में कुछ रोचक जानकारियाँ जिन्हें जान कर हैरान हो जायेगे
Dosto ye thi Salman or Ashvriya ki Love story jo is tarah khatam hui.Me Salman ko ek acha insaan samajhta hu.unhone jo kuch bhi kiya vo mohabbat ke nashe me kiya.Aap khud hi is love story ko padh kar ye fesla kijiye ki is real Love story me kon galti pr tha.or kon be kasur.Mene ye story midia me chapi khabron ki madad se likhi he.Aap Sabko ye Love story kesi lgi mujhe jarur batana.or is story ko padh kar apni apni Ray batana ki aapko kya lagta he , in stars me kon galti pr tha or kon sahi ?
Isi ke sath me Apni story ko khatam karta hu.Good bay
Dosto ye thi Salman or Ashvriya ki Love story jo is tarah khatam hui.Me Salman ko ek acha insaan samajhta hu.unhone jo kuch bhi kiya vo mohabbat ke nashe me kiya.Aap khud hi is love story ko padh kar ye fesla kijiye ki is real Love story me kon galti pr tha.or kon be kasur.Mene ye story midia me chapi khabron ki madad se likhi he.Aap Sabko ye Love story kesi lgi mujhe jarur batana.or is story ko padh kar apni apni Ray batana ki aapko kya lagta he , in stars me kon galti pr tha or kon sahi ?
Isi ke sath me Apni story ko khatam karta hu.Good bay
Bollywood Actress Rani Mukherjee Sex Story
Rani Mukherjee was a fading starlet. Movie offers were drying down, excpet for the occasional KJo and Yash Chopra movies. Directors making commercial films were refusing to slot her, as she was past her prime. She was considered a very good actress and if they had to make movies with her they had to keep her at the top of their minds. She was just reflecting on all this and just lying down on her couch reading a magazine when the bell rang.
It was Reena her childhood friend. "Hi Sweets, What a surprise!" said Rani hugging her. "I know ya....its been so long! Missed you so much!" said Reena. Reena was her childhood friend, she grew up in Bombay. She tried her hand in Bollywood through Rani's connections, but could not get any success. She then tried in the Tamil industry and became a star after her first movie. She had recently earned a big reputation as a maneater in the south! She was known to be a complete slut with important movie stars and producers. "Kitni moti ho gayi hai? How are you an actres?" said Rani. "They love the curves down south yar. They just go mad seeing me expose my heavy duty body!" said Reena. "Heard a lot about it all true?" "Yup. I started it to fuck odd people to get roles. Once I got a break, I had to establish myself as an actress. So it will carry on for a while, untill I can command a respectable role on my own merit!" "OMG...its strangely turning me on! Is that gross!" "Naughty Rani! Its not at all strange! Some of the people so love my body there. You know how I was before na...after all the modelling and all. I had such a perfect figure. They love my ass. There's a producer and his brothers regularly fuck me. They spend an hour at least rubbing their cocks, kissing and biting my ass! and they love navel! These people can spend hours just kissing, biting and inserting their cocks into my navel!"
Rani was getting turned on a lot now! "So you have these orgies so often! Its so great ya. I have such a fucked up sex life! Just one long time bf and we are not doing it so often". Reena thought naughtily and said "Rani I have a great idea...I can set up a meeting with the three producer brothers I was talking about. They have a string of big budget movies lined up. I am telling you they'll jump if they know you are willing to consider it." Rani thought "I know yar...I have thought about it before....but what about my reputation. I will end up as another Khushboo or Nagma." "Think about it Rani. I know you need the money! They pay great, more than here in Bollywood too. The roles I am talking about are not the glam doll roles. They are roles worth an actress like you!" said Reena taking her cellphone out to make the call. "Ok fine." said Rani. Reena smiled and called up a number from her cell. "Its set. They want to met you this weekend. Do you wanna come back to Cheannai with me?" asked Reena. "Yeah, whatever!" said Rani resigningly.
Rani was getting turned on a lot now! "So you have these orgies so often! Its so great ya. I have such a fucked up sex life! Just one long time bf and we are not doing it so often". Reena thought naughtily and said "Rani I have a great idea...I can set up a meeting with the three producer brothers I was talking about. They have a string of big budget movies lined up. I am telling you they'll jump if they know you are willing to consider it." Rani thought "I know yar...I have thought about it before....but what about my reputation. I will end up as another Khushboo or Nagma." "Think about it Rani. I know you need the money! They pay great, more than here in Bollywood too. The roles I am talking about are not the glam doll roles. They are roles worth an actress like you!" said Reena taking her cellphone out to make the call. "Ok fine." said Rani. Reena smiled and called up a number from her cell. "Its set. They want to met you this weekend. Do you wanna come back to Cheannai with me?" asked Reena. "Yeah, whatever!" said Rani resigningly.
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"Its done then. I am so tired ya...lets take a shower!" said Reena, in a very sexy way. Rani smiled. They had been making lesbian love to each other for a very long time. Reena simply loved Rani's body. They went into the bathroom. Rani was wearing a normal yellow top and pajamas. Her massive tits were were prominent through her top. Reena removed Rani's top from behind. She had a black bra on. Reena started to press her tits from behind. "OMG have the best natural tits in the whole world. How big are they anyways?" "You know they 34 DD. Stop making fun of me!" Reena unhooked her bra from behind and turned Rani towards her. She held both her breasts in her hands. "These puppies deserve a big punishment. Look at how spotless and beautiful they are!" and she slapped her tits very hard. Rani cried out loud. Reena took her left chuchi and put it in her mouth. She was slowly chewing the nipples and sucking them. Rani was getting very turned on. She liked the new sexual aggressiveness of Reena. It was so unlike anytime else they had done it before! Reena went on sucking Rani's boobs. Rani was enjoying it thoroughly. She wanted to see Reena naked. Reena was wearing a salwar kameez. She turned back to let Rani unhook her and lift salwar. Rani slowly removed the hooks, and threw away her salwar kameez. She had a pink bra on her. She had put up a lot of weight and it showed! Her belly had gained weight and so it formed folds to side of her kamar. They looked very sexy. She unhooked her bra and saw her boobs. They had grown massively. They both turned to each other and stared at each others' boobs for a while. " You look like a sexy milf Reena! Itne bade boobs and kamar par folds!" said Rani. "Tu toh hamesha se hi aunty thi!". They both laughed.
Reena touched her nipples to Rani's nipples and began rubbing for a while! Rani always got a turned on seeing two pairs of perfect boobs rubbing against each other. They entered the bath tub together. Reena pulled down Rani's pajamas. She had a mud colored panty on. Nothing fancy, just a regular chaddi. Rani looked very cute in those chaddis with her massive boobs and her fleshy belly. Reena pulled down the chaddi. Rani's pussy was not fully shaved but rather trimmed. She loved it. Rani had the fleshiest pussy lips she had ever seen. It was why she kept some hair around it. When she had lost her virginity in the school toilet when she 18, the boy who was fucking her simply could not control hinself looking at those fleshy pussy lips. He had bitten her so hard that day that she felt the pain for a long time. From then she decided to just keep it trimmed so as to not arouse the animal in any man. Reena removed her bottom. She did not wear any panties. Her pussy was like a pornstar's. It was very evident that she was used to many cocks regularly. It was not very fleshy on the outer lips. The inner flesh however hung out of the vagina. It had turned dark from the original pink color. She kept her privates fully shaved. Rani smiled looking at it. They both entered the bath tub and lay down on opposite ends. The froth was fully formed in the tub. Reena was rubbing Rani's tits though the froth. Then she poured some water on them. They shined and gleamed. She started to suck them again. She took her lips around her nipples in circles, then brought out her front cutting teeth and took a soft bite at them. Rani's eyes were closed. She was moaning softly in pleasure. She was sucking on one breast by holding it with her right hand and fingering her pussy with the other. She made rani stand up and took another look at her pussy. It was like a dahlia flower. It was so fleshy and yet very delicate. She started fingering it harder. Rani was moaning. She was sucking on her own nipples. Reena got her tongue out and starte licking her inner lips. She began probing the entire length of her pussy. The wet touch of Reena's tongue made Rani very horny. Reena licked hard and kept fingering internittently. Rani's juices started flowing. Reena started drinking them. She picked up a dildo that was kept on the side of the bath tub. She started to put it in. Rani was moaning. Reena started teasing her. She first put the tip of the dildo into her and took it out. She did this several times. Rani was getting hornier by the second. "Poora ghusa dey Reena. I cant control it" "Relax meri moti're pussy needs a lot of teasing!" After having teased her and fingered her for some more time, Rani was reaching the peak of her orgasm. "Please ghusa Reena. I wanna cum!" Reena then slowly started inserting the dildo. It was a huge 10 inch dildo. It slowly started to tear into Rani's pretty pussy. Rani started crying out of pain and pleasure. Reena increased the speed of the thrusts. Rani was in a lot of pain and wanted to cum soon. She held on to it. She was furiously pressing Reena's tits all along. The faster Reena used to insert the dildo and the more violently Rani pressed, pinched and scratched her tits. "Ouch...easy Rani...Yeh takiya nahi hai...mere chooche hain!!!" It was getting too much for Rani. Reena suddenly removed the dildo when Rani had almost reached her climax. She took her tongue out and fondled Rani's clit. Rani came like a cow in heat. Reena's face was filled with the juices of Rani. "Oh Reena....that was so good're the best girlfriend ever!" "Main gandi ho gayo hoon! Clean me up na!" said Reena naughtily. Now it was Rani's turn. They played there for about an hour and a half and then came out.
अन्तर्वासना की मजेदार कहानियां पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें >>
Reena left in the evening and told Rani to be ready to leave for Chennai over the weekend. Rani said yes in excitement. Reena smiled when she closed the car door. Rani was going to be fucked like a sex slave by those filthy horny producer brothers. Every inch of anatomy will be relished by the worst of male lust in the coming days. "Oh Rani...why are you such a plump fair cow!" she thought and smiled naughtily...........
Rani reached Chennai 2 days later. She checked into a hotel and called Reena. "Sweets, I am here! Can we meet up sometime today?" "Hi piglet...haan sure! Your meeting is tomorrow na? There's a party today at the producers' bungalow. You should come. You can meet the entire cast." "Does that mean I already got the role? Whats tomorrow's meeting for?" "Arey haan ya...don't worry. Tomorrow is just a formality. You already got it. I will come to your hotel at 8 PM sharp and pick you up" "Great" said Rani and hung up.
It was 6.30 PM and Rani decided to take a shower. She undressed and looked at her body. She had gained quite a lot of fat in her belly, thighs and ass. She can never become a bollywood actress again. Her belly and her deep round navel/boddu were so tempting as to make anyone go mad. She had developed nice folds on the side of her kamar/nadumu. She went into the shower and had a long relaxing bath. After that she stepped out and decided to dress up. She chose a scorching red transparent saree. It showed her massive chest and her round deep navel.
Reena called her at 8. "Piglet...I am waiting in the hotel lobby. Are you dressed well for the occassion." said Reena. "Haha..wait till I see you down in the lobby". Reena was blown by seeing Rani in that red hot saree. "'re giving me a hard-on babes. I can't imagine how the men would react" Everyone from the hotel receptionists to the room service staff were staring at her lecherously. "You can see what they feel. Hahaha" laughed Rani. "Yeah, they'd all so completely bang you if given a chance! Anyways, lets go before it gets too late". They went out and sat in Reena's car and drove away. "So who all are going to be present at the party. Mujhe toh cast hi nahi pata". "The hero is Vikram. He might be present. The producers will be obviously there. They've booked Rambha for an item song, so she will be there. The director will definitely be there. And my advice is just play along tonight." Rani thought that meant that she had to flirt a little, which she could.
They reached the producers bungalow. The party had already started. The producers walked upto Rani and Reena. One of them hugged Reena tightly "How are you darling!" he said rubbing Reena's ass with his right hand. Rani felt slightly uncomfortable. The eldest brother came close and hugged Rani. "Raniji, it is a pleasure to have you in our movie." Rani hugged him and said "Its my pleasure too. I want to make a mark in the south industry as well." "Oh you will. You definitely will." said the eldest brother. "Do you mind coming into our private office room. We can sign the papers today itself. No need for tomorrow's meeting". "Ok" said Rani slightly surprised. They walked towards the office room.
The middle brother was walking behind Rani. He could not take his eyes off Rani's ass/gand/gudda. It was massive and was wildly swaying up and down as Rani walked. He was licking his lips all the way. Reena had noticed this and smiled within herself. The youngest had his arms around Reena and they were walking together like lovers, all the while he was massaging her ass. They had reached the room. The eldest producer brought out some papers from the shelf behind his desk. "Raniji, these are all the papers. They are for a 3 movie deal with our production company. You'll make 10 crores for all the 3 movies together. I am sure you have read the scripts?" Rani was astounded. The amount he just quoted was huge "Yes, I have read the scripts." she said meekly. "Good so sign these papers and then there is another document you'll have to sign" "What document?" Rani asked suspiciously. Reena smiled and said "Oh Rani...cmon yar. You know what it will be about." She said moving her hand across Rani's bare arm. The remaining two brothers smiled. "Think about it Raniji. This is a huge amount and I am sure that you have no offers in Bombay." Rani thought and said " I dont know what you thought of me. But, I can never do it." said angrily and turned around to leave the room. Reena stopped her. "Rani maan ja ya...or else...sir play the video." All the brothers laughed loudly and one of them switched on the huge lcd tv and pressed play button on. Rani was dumbstruck. It was video of her and Reena taking the shower together. The entire scene including the dildo part were there. "What a figure you have. Mmmmmmm. I can throw in a crore or two more for you!" said the youngest one laughing. The eldest one said "Either you agree or this will go on internet right now. No actually, I wil sell it to news channels. Hahaha". Rani was almost in tears. She had no option but to agree. She signed all the papers and was just standing there.
"Done!" cried the youngest and the horniest of the three brothers. The second document basically stated that she will be willing to satisfy the sexual pleasures of all three brothers for next 15 days. "So Rani my dear. Lets begin the games!". Rani was very scared. She didn't know what these people will do to her. "Abbooo...her saree is killing me" said the youngest one. He now dared to come behind Rani and touch her bare arms. They were smooth. The eldest brother opened a secret door in the room. It led to a bedroom. It had all kinds bondage equipment. Rani knew what was coming......
Rani entered the room scared like shit. The room looked like a porn movie sudio set up. There were many photos of the brothers mauling a lot of young models and actresses. One photo caught her attention and she froze looking at it for a second. The youngest brother was sitting on a chair wih his cock inside the pussy of very cute looking Trisha. The cock was unusually large and thick. The second one had his teeth fixed on her right nipple and the third one was trying to strangle her with a necktie. Rani was amazed at the look on Trisha's face. She had never seen anyone that contented in their life.
The youngest brother whose nickname was tiger for his ferociousness with women in bed came from behind and hugged Rani and placed his chin on her shoulder like he was wih his wife. Rani got shocked but kept quiet. He felt her ass from behind with his hand. "So soft and big! What is in those Rani?" he asked teasingly "I will taste when I bite them". Rani was silent, as she was scared. He noticed Rani staring at that picture of them and Trisha. "Its turning you on aa? Look at how much she is enjoying! You will too darling!" Saying so he slowly slid his hand into side of Rani's saree and began fingering her navel. The other two brothers sat down on the sofa and made themselves a drink. "Make one for her too. Sooper strong!" They made the strongest shot of liquor they had for Rani and one of them brought it for her. "Please, I dont drink" "For me honey. Now we dont want your soft lilly flower like body to feel pain. Do we?" said Tiger one who was still hugging Rani from behind and rubbing her ass. Tiger forced the shot into Rani. Tiger's had a fantastic physique. He used to take a great care of his body and always kept it in top shape. He had a broad chest and toned biceps, slim waist and the right cuts on his thighs and calf muscles. He was the definition of a tall dark and handsome man. The other two brothers however were middle aged, overweight and ugly looking horny sons of bitches.
Reena came in from the door and was just in her bra and underwear. Her dress was gone. She looked at Rani, smiled and went and sat in the lap of he middle one. Meanwhile tiger had enough of the fondling from behind. He turned Rani to face him and kissed her. She tried to resist, but then he pinched her hard in her kamar/nadumu. She gave in and kissed him. They both passionately brought out their moist tongues and started to touch them together aggressively. Rani's lips looked beautiful. They were big and she had put on a nice light pink color lipstick and Tiger was enjoying them fully. He threw open Rani's pallu, and looked at her chest. Rani as breathing hard as she was scared. But her cleavage in her bright red sleeveless blouse was enough to raise the most evil sexual desire in any man. "Very big Rani. Very sexy blouse too" said tiger slowly laying his hand on her soft hands. Her hands looked very fleshy, soft and beautiful in that sleeveless blouse. Tiger went near her hands and just smelled them along the length from top to bottom. His warm breath on her bare hands made Rani very scared. Rani started to feel he effect of that liquor shot now and was getting disoriented in the mind. This man had a sexual presence she had never felt before. He looked like a sexaul predator. She felt a srange turn on that she had not experienced before. Imagining her beautiful body was about to be ravaged by this sexual monster was a very sexy thought indeed! Tiger took out his massive tongue and licked Rani's bare arms all over. He lifted her arm and looked at her armpits. They were smoothly shaved and looked very sexy. He rolled his tongue over her armpits as well. Rani was getting aroused by the second. He then went down to her tummy area. "Rani you sweet Bengali rasagulla. Nice fleshy belly. Very chewable!" He looked at her belly and her deep round navel. He pinched on both sides of her kamar/nadumu at the folds that had formed. He brought out his tongue and circled her navel/boddu with him. Then he put the tongue inside Rani's navel and did that for some time. He slowly brought out his cutting teeth and bit Rani on the navel. Rani felt pain and pleasure. Tiger loved to leave love bites, as they left his signature. Tiger used his teeth all over Rani's tummy, occasionally biting hard.
Meanwhile the other two brothers were having a great time with Reena. They were over her like wild animals and were doing all sorts of nasty things to her. Reena was used to these things by now, so she did not mind it. They put their dicks inside all her holes, completely licked and bit her body. They poured the liquor on her body and were taking turns to lick it off clean. After fucking her they were just playing with her body, like constantly pressing her tits or licking her clit. They were just waiting for Tiger's consent to join in for the prized trophy who was Rani Mulherjee. Tiger threw away Rani's saree. He hugged her tight and again kissed her passionately. Rani was like his sexual play doll and he wanted to make the most of it. He pulled the nada of Rani's petticoat and it fell down revealing Rani's massive thighs and her sexy underwear. He pushed her onto the bed and directly dug into the creamy thighs. " Bengali randi. These thighs are making me mad" He slapped her thunder thighs many times till his palm impressions formed on them. Rani felt pain but also got turned on a lot. He ferociously licked, kissed and bit her thighs like a madman.
He stood up and took his shirt off. Rani was blown away seeing his physique. It was shiny black and very chislled. He looked like a black greek god. He then removed his jeans and stood there in front of Rani in his underwear. The huge packege which was lying in his underwear was very evident. Rani was very turned on seeing that man in front of him. He pulled Rani up through her hair and pushed her face onto his chest. Rani licked him all over his upper body, and slowly went down. She looked at the massive thing inside those underwears and was sure that it was big. She slowly removed his underwear, and just froze looking what was in front of her. It was a charcoal black cock and sack of balls. The cock was easily 4 inches and it was completely flaccid. Rani started to pull it and started to blow him. He was loving it and the cock showed. She kept on blowing him for about 20 mins and his fully erec cock was a monstrous 11 inches. Rani could not take the whole thing in her and had difficulty swalloing. When tiger came it was like a rain on Rani's face. She had never had her entire face splashed with cum. She knew that this man was a monster.
She began to tease him. She turned tiger the other way. She pulled her bra and panty off. She was covering her nipples with her hair and her pussy with her arms. She then asked tiger to turn back again.
She looked this:
Tiger could not control that fair skinned beautiful sweet dish in front of him. He threw Rani on the bed and jumped on her like a hungry predator. He came close to her breasts and began to stare at them like a mad dog. They were the most tempting lady lumps. They were like sweet ripe mangoes just waiting to be devoured. He sucked and nibbled away at them for a very long time. He was occasionally slapping her breasts and pinching them too. Rani was thoroughly enjoying his hunger for her breasts. Her breasts were mauled by tiger. They had his slap marks, love bites and had become red. When tiger had his fill, he went down. He tried to spread her legs, but Rani teased him by not allowing him to do it. He then pinched her thigh hard and she moved her thighs. Her beautiful pussy was in front of a dangerous predator. Tiger noticed the hair, and looked towards his brothers who were just eagerly waiting to jump on Rani when given a signal. The middle one understood the signal and went into the bathroom. The eldest one had Reena in his lap but was lustily looking at Rani all the while. The middle brother came out with a razor, shaving foam, water and a towel. "We'll clean this pussy darling. Lets see the lotus by removing the mud." He began applying cream over her pubic hair. He then slowly shaved it away with the razor. The scene turned the middle bother too much. He went up and held Rani's breasts with both his hands started sucking hard. Rani was on cloud 9. She even french kissed the ugly middle brother, only because she wanted to get fucked by tiger real bad. Tiger finished shaving and wiped her pussy clean. It was a very fat pussy with beautiful pink flesh. The fat pussy with its pink flesh was enough to make men kill each other for it. It was like a sweet treat just inviting tiger to eat it. "What a pussy! Sweet rasagulla's sweeter pussy!". He began eating her pussy. He licked, fingered, sucked and bit her pussy many times all over. Rani was giving out sweet juices and tiger was drinking them. Her pussy juice smelled heavenly and Rani was in complete need of a good fuck. Tiger wore a condom and thrust his massive tool into Rani in one thrust. Rani cried out in pain. But slowly she began to enjoy it. The other brothers had joined in and were exploring the top hald of Rani's body. The eldest brother got a candle and poured the hot wax drops inside Rani's navel and her nipples. She cried out loudly. They then licked those spots that had become red due to the hot wax. This strange mixture of extreme pain with extreme pleasure was very new to Rani. Rani was loving the extreme fucking that tiger was giving her. "Oh tiger...aaahh yeah keep fucking me. Tear away my tiny pussy with your massive rod. I am your slave cow. Please tear my udders and drink the milk. aaah" Tiger fucked Rani in various positions back to back four almost 2 hours. Next the other two brothers had their fill. Rani had real multiple orgasms with tiger but she was disgusted seeing the other two guys. Rani was fucked like a cow by these sex crazed maniacal brothers.
After they all had enough for the night, Rani and Tiger just lay on the bed. Tiger had infinite capacity. He did many things like putting cream all over Rani's body and licking it away and many such things. Tiger would fuck Rani for almost 10 times over the next 15 days. He would fuck her in the shower, he would fuck her in the car, when she went out for shopping he would fuck her in the changing room of a store. Tiger was mad after Rani and had a sexual drive of real tiger. He would not even allow his brothers to come near her for that time. Only he wanted to fuck her. He made her do humiliating sexual things like making her pee in public, fucking her in front of their servants, showing off her sexy belly and boobs by suddenly ripping off her clothes in front of men in remote market areas etc.
Rani had become a sex maniac for Tigers cock by the end of her 15 day contract period. Her career was picked up in the south and she became a big star. She had become more or less a girlfriend cum fuckbuddy of Tiger, one of the members of Tamil movie industry's most successful producers. Tiger used to arrange for many orgies at his house in which he and his brothers participated. He needed many doses of pussy everyday to control his extraordinary sexual urge. He however stopped allowing anyone to touch Rani except him. They married later on and that is how Rani became a wife to one of the horniest men in the country.
"Its done then. I am so tired ya...lets take a shower!" said Reena, in a very sexy way. Rani smiled. They had been making lesbian love to each other for a very long time. Reena simply loved Rani's body. They went into the bathroom. Rani was wearing a normal yellow top and pajamas. Her massive tits were were prominent through her top. Reena removed Rani's top from behind. She had a black bra on. Reena started to press her tits from behind. "OMG have the best natural tits in the whole world. How big are they anyways?" "You know they 34 DD. Stop making fun of me!" Reena unhooked her bra from behind and turned Rani towards her. She held both her breasts in her hands. "These puppies deserve a big punishment. Look at how spotless and beautiful they are!" and she slapped her tits very hard. Rani cried out loud. Reena took her left chuchi and put it in her mouth. She was slowly chewing the nipples and sucking them. Rani was getting very turned on. She liked the new sexual aggressiveness of Reena. It was so unlike anytime else they had done it before! Reena went on sucking Rani's boobs. Rani was enjoying it thoroughly. She wanted to see Reena naked. Reena was wearing a salwar kameez. She turned back to let Rani unhook her and lift salwar. Rani slowly removed the hooks, and threw away her salwar kameez. She had a pink bra on her. She had put up a lot of weight and it showed! Her belly had gained weight and so it formed folds to side of her kamar. They looked very sexy. She unhooked her bra and saw her boobs. They had grown massively. They both turned to each other and stared at each others' boobs for a while. " You look like a sexy milf Reena! Itne bade boobs and kamar par folds!" said Rani. "Tu toh hamesha se hi aunty thi!". They both laughed.
Reena touched her nipples to Rani's nipples and began rubbing for a while! Rani always got a turned on seeing two pairs of perfect boobs rubbing against each other. They entered the bath tub together. Reena pulled down Rani's pajamas. She had a mud colored panty on. Nothing fancy, just a regular chaddi. Rani looked very cute in those chaddis with her massive boobs and her fleshy belly. Reena pulled down the chaddi. Rani's pussy was not fully shaved but rather trimmed. She loved it. Rani had the fleshiest pussy lips she had ever seen. It was why she kept some hair around it. When she had lost her virginity in the school toilet when she 18, the boy who was fucking her simply could not control hinself looking at those fleshy pussy lips. He had bitten her so hard that day that she felt the pain for a long time. From then she decided to just keep it trimmed so as to not arouse the animal in any man. Reena removed her bottom. She did not wear any panties. Her pussy was like a pornstar's. It was very evident that she was used to many cocks regularly. It was not very fleshy on the outer lips. The inner flesh however hung out of the vagina. It had turned dark from the original pink color. She kept her privates fully shaved. Rani smiled looking at it. They both entered the bath tub and lay down on opposite ends. The froth was fully formed in the tub. Reena was rubbing Rani's tits though the froth. Then she poured some water on them. They shined and gleamed. She started to suck them again. She took her lips around her nipples in circles, then brought out her front cutting teeth and took a soft bite at them. Rani's eyes were closed. She was moaning softly in pleasure. She was sucking on one breast by holding it with her right hand and fingering her pussy with the other. She made rani stand up and took another look at her pussy. It was like a dahlia flower. It was so fleshy and yet very delicate. She started fingering it harder. Rani was moaning. She was sucking on her own nipples. Reena got her tongue out and starte licking her inner lips. She began probing the entire length of her pussy. The wet touch of Reena's tongue made Rani very horny. Reena licked hard and kept fingering internittently. Rani's juices started flowing. Reena started drinking them. She picked up a dildo that was kept on the side of the bath tub. She started to put it in. Rani was moaning. Reena started teasing her. She first put the tip of the dildo into her and took it out. She did this several times. Rani was getting hornier by the second. "Poora ghusa dey Reena. I cant control it" "Relax meri moti're pussy needs a lot of teasing!" After having teased her and fingered her for some more time, Rani was reaching the peak of her orgasm. "Please ghusa Reena. I wanna cum!" Reena then slowly started inserting the dildo. It was a huge 10 inch dildo. It slowly started to tear into Rani's pretty pussy. Rani started crying out of pain and pleasure. Reena increased the speed of the thrusts. Rani was in a lot of pain and wanted to cum soon. She held on to it. She was furiously pressing Reena's tits all along. The faster Reena used to insert the dildo and the more violently Rani pressed, pinched and scratched her tits. "Ouch...easy Rani...Yeh takiya nahi hai...mere chooche hain!!!" It was getting too much for Rani. Reena suddenly removed the dildo when Rani had almost reached her climax. She took her tongue out and fondled Rani's clit. Rani came like a cow in heat. Reena's face was filled with the juices of Rani. "Oh Reena....that was so good're the best girlfriend ever!" "Main gandi ho gayo hoon! Clean me up na!" said Reena naughtily. Now it was Rani's turn. They played there for about an hour and a half and then came out.
अन्तर्वासना की मजेदार कहानियां पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें >>
Reena left in the evening and told Rani to be ready to leave for Chennai over the weekend. Rani said yes in excitement. Reena smiled when she closed the car door. Rani was going to be fucked like a sex slave by those filthy horny producer brothers. Every inch of anatomy will be relished by the worst of male lust in the coming days. "Oh Rani...why are you such a plump fair cow!" she thought and smiled naughtily...........
Rani reached Chennai 2 days later. She checked into a hotel and called Reena. "Sweets, I am here! Can we meet up sometime today?" "Hi piglet...haan sure! Your meeting is tomorrow na? There's a party today at the producers' bungalow. You should come. You can meet the entire cast." "Does that mean I already got the role? Whats tomorrow's meeting for?" "Arey haan ya...don't worry. Tomorrow is just a formality. You already got it. I will come to your hotel at 8 PM sharp and pick you up" "Great" said Rani and hung up.
It was 6.30 PM and Rani decided to take a shower. She undressed and looked at her body. She had gained quite a lot of fat in her belly, thighs and ass. She can never become a bollywood actress again. Her belly and her deep round navel/boddu were so tempting as to make anyone go mad. She had developed nice folds on the side of her kamar/nadumu. She went into the shower and had a long relaxing bath. After that she stepped out and decided to dress up. She chose a scorching red transparent saree. It showed her massive chest and her round deep navel.
Reena called her at 8. "Piglet...I am waiting in the hotel lobby. Are you dressed well for the occassion." said Reena. "Haha..wait till I see you down in the lobby". Reena was blown by seeing Rani in that red hot saree. "'re giving me a hard-on babes. I can't imagine how the men would react" Everyone from the hotel receptionists to the room service staff were staring at her lecherously. "You can see what they feel. Hahaha" laughed Rani. "Yeah, they'd all so completely bang you if given a chance! Anyways, lets go before it gets too late". They went out and sat in Reena's car and drove away. "So who all are going to be present at the party. Mujhe toh cast hi nahi pata". "The hero is Vikram. He might be present. The producers will be obviously there. They've booked Rambha for an item song, so she will be there. The director will definitely be there. And my advice is just play along tonight." Rani thought that meant that she had to flirt a little, which she could.
They reached the producers bungalow. The party had already started. The producers walked upto Rani and Reena. One of them hugged Reena tightly "How are you darling!" he said rubbing Reena's ass with his right hand. Rani felt slightly uncomfortable. The eldest brother came close and hugged Rani. "Raniji, it is a pleasure to have you in our movie." Rani hugged him and said "Its my pleasure too. I want to make a mark in the south industry as well." "Oh you will. You definitely will." said the eldest brother. "Do you mind coming into our private office room. We can sign the papers today itself. No need for tomorrow's meeting". "Ok" said Rani slightly surprised. They walked towards the office room.
The middle brother was walking behind Rani. He could not take his eyes off Rani's ass/gand/gudda. It was massive and was wildly swaying up and down as Rani walked. He was licking his lips all the way. Reena had noticed this and smiled within herself. The youngest had his arms around Reena and they were walking together like lovers, all the while he was massaging her ass. They had reached the room. The eldest producer brought out some papers from the shelf behind his desk. "Raniji, these are all the papers. They are for a 3 movie deal with our production company. You'll make 10 crores for all the 3 movies together. I am sure you have read the scripts?" Rani was astounded. The amount he just quoted was huge "Yes, I have read the scripts." she said meekly. "Good so sign these papers and then there is another document you'll have to sign" "What document?" Rani asked suspiciously. Reena smiled and said "Oh Rani...cmon yar. You know what it will be about." She said moving her hand across Rani's bare arm. The remaining two brothers smiled. "Think about it Raniji. This is a huge amount and I am sure that you have no offers in Bombay." Rani thought and said " I dont know what you thought of me. But, I can never do it." said angrily and turned around to leave the room. Reena stopped her. "Rani maan ja ya...or else...sir play the video." All the brothers laughed loudly and one of them switched on the huge lcd tv and pressed play button on. Rani was dumbstruck. It was video of her and Reena taking the shower together. The entire scene including the dildo part were there. "What a figure you have. Mmmmmmm. I can throw in a crore or two more for you!" said the youngest one laughing. The eldest one said "Either you agree or this will go on internet right now. No actually, I wil sell it to news channels. Hahaha". Rani was almost in tears. She had no option but to agree. She signed all the papers and was just standing there.
"Done!" cried the youngest and the horniest of the three brothers. The second document basically stated that she will be willing to satisfy the sexual pleasures of all three brothers for next 15 days. "So Rani my dear. Lets begin the games!". Rani was very scared. She didn't know what these people will do to her. "Abbooo...her saree is killing me" said the youngest one. He now dared to come behind Rani and touch her bare arms. They were smooth. The eldest brother opened a secret door in the room. It led to a bedroom. It had all kinds bondage equipment. Rani knew what was coming......
Rani entered the room scared like shit. The room looked like a porn movie sudio set up. There were many photos of the brothers mauling a lot of young models and actresses. One photo caught her attention and she froze looking at it for a second. The youngest brother was sitting on a chair wih his cock inside the pussy of very cute looking Trisha. The cock was unusually large and thick. The second one had his teeth fixed on her right nipple and the third one was trying to strangle her with a necktie. Rani was amazed at the look on Trisha's face. She had never seen anyone that contented in their life.
The youngest brother whose nickname was tiger for his ferociousness with women in bed came from behind and hugged Rani and placed his chin on her shoulder like he was wih his wife. Rani got shocked but kept quiet. He felt her ass from behind with his hand. "So soft and big! What is in those Rani?" he asked teasingly "I will taste when I bite them". Rani was silent, as she was scared. He noticed Rani staring at that picture of them and Trisha. "Its turning you on aa? Look at how much she is enjoying! You will too darling!" Saying so he slowly slid his hand into side of Rani's saree and began fingering her navel. The other two brothers sat down on the sofa and made themselves a drink. "Make one for her too. Sooper strong!" They made the strongest shot of liquor they had for Rani and one of them brought it for her. "Please, I dont drink" "For me honey. Now we dont want your soft lilly flower like body to feel pain. Do we?" said Tiger one who was still hugging Rani from behind and rubbing her ass. Tiger forced the shot into Rani. Tiger's had a fantastic physique. He used to take a great care of his body and always kept it in top shape. He had a broad chest and toned biceps, slim waist and the right cuts on his thighs and calf muscles. He was the definition of a tall dark and handsome man. The other two brothers however were middle aged, overweight and ugly looking horny sons of bitches.
Reena came in from the door and was just in her bra and underwear. Her dress was gone. She looked at Rani, smiled and went and sat in the lap of he middle one. Meanwhile tiger had enough of the fondling from behind. He turned Rani to face him and kissed her. She tried to resist, but then he pinched her hard in her kamar/nadumu. She gave in and kissed him. They both passionately brought out their moist tongues and started to touch them together aggressively. Rani's lips looked beautiful. They were big and she had put on a nice light pink color lipstick and Tiger was enjoying them fully. He threw open Rani's pallu, and looked at her chest. Rani as breathing hard as she was scared. But her cleavage in her bright red sleeveless blouse was enough to raise the most evil sexual desire in any man. "Very big Rani. Very sexy blouse too" said tiger slowly laying his hand on her soft hands. Her hands looked very fleshy, soft and beautiful in that sleeveless blouse. Tiger went near her hands and just smelled them along the length from top to bottom. His warm breath on her bare hands made Rani very scared. Rani started to feel he effect of that liquor shot now and was getting disoriented in the mind. This man had a sexual presence she had never felt before. He looked like a sexaul predator. She felt a srange turn on that she had not experienced before. Imagining her beautiful body was about to be ravaged by this sexual monster was a very sexy thought indeed! Tiger took out his massive tongue and licked Rani's bare arms all over. He lifted her arm and looked at her armpits. They were smoothly shaved and looked very sexy. He rolled his tongue over her armpits as well. Rani was getting aroused by the second. He then went down to her tummy area. "Rani you sweet Bengali rasagulla. Nice fleshy belly. Very chewable!" He looked at her belly and her deep round navel. He pinched on both sides of her kamar/nadumu at the folds that had formed. He brought out his tongue and circled her navel/boddu with him. Then he put the tongue inside Rani's navel and did that for some time. He slowly brought out his cutting teeth and bit Rani on the navel. Rani felt pain and pleasure. Tiger loved to leave love bites, as they left his signature. Tiger used his teeth all over Rani's tummy, occasionally biting hard.
Meanwhile the other two brothers were having a great time with Reena. They were over her like wild animals and were doing all sorts of nasty things to her. Reena was used to these things by now, so she did not mind it. They put their dicks inside all her holes, completely licked and bit her body. They poured the liquor on her body and were taking turns to lick it off clean. After fucking her they were just playing with her body, like constantly pressing her tits or licking her clit. They were just waiting for Tiger's consent to join in for the prized trophy who was Rani Mulherjee. Tiger threw away Rani's saree. He hugged her tight and again kissed her passionately. Rani was like his sexual play doll and he wanted to make the most of it. He pulled the nada of Rani's petticoat and it fell down revealing Rani's massive thighs and her sexy underwear. He pushed her onto the bed and directly dug into the creamy thighs. " Bengali randi. These thighs are making me mad" He slapped her thunder thighs many times till his palm impressions formed on them. Rani felt pain but also got turned on a lot. He ferociously licked, kissed and bit her thighs like a madman.
He stood up and took his shirt off. Rani was blown away seeing his physique. It was shiny black and very chislled. He looked like a black greek god. He then removed his jeans and stood there in front of Rani in his underwear. The huge packege which was lying in his underwear was very evident. Rani was very turned on seeing that man in front of him. He pulled Rani up through her hair and pushed her face onto his chest. Rani licked him all over his upper body, and slowly went down. She looked at the massive thing inside those underwears and was sure that it was big. She slowly removed his underwear, and just froze looking what was in front of her. It was a charcoal black cock and sack of balls. The cock was easily 4 inches and it was completely flaccid. Rani started to pull it and started to blow him. He was loving it and the cock showed. She kept on blowing him for about 20 mins and his fully erec cock was a monstrous 11 inches. Rani could not take the whole thing in her and had difficulty swalloing. When tiger came it was like a rain on Rani's face. She had never had her entire face splashed with cum. She knew that this man was a monster.
She began to tease him. She turned tiger the other way. She pulled her bra and panty off. She was covering her nipples with her hair and her pussy with her arms. She then asked tiger to turn back again.
She looked this:
Tiger could not control that fair skinned beautiful sweet dish in front of him. He threw Rani on the bed and jumped on her like a hungry predator. He came close to her breasts and began to stare at them like a mad dog. They were the most tempting lady lumps. They were like sweet ripe mangoes just waiting to be devoured. He sucked and nibbled away at them for a very long time. He was occasionally slapping her breasts and pinching them too. Rani was thoroughly enjoying his hunger for her breasts. Her breasts were mauled by tiger. They had his slap marks, love bites and had become red. When tiger had his fill, he went down. He tried to spread her legs, but Rani teased him by not allowing him to do it. He then pinched her thigh hard and she moved her thighs. Her beautiful pussy was in front of a dangerous predator. Tiger noticed the hair, and looked towards his brothers who were just eagerly waiting to jump on Rani when given a signal. The middle one understood the signal and went into the bathroom. The eldest one had Reena in his lap but was lustily looking at Rani all the while. The middle brother came out with a razor, shaving foam, water and a towel. "We'll clean this pussy darling. Lets see the lotus by removing the mud." He began applying cream over her pubic hair. He then slowly shaved it away with the razor. The scene turned the middle bother too much. He went up and held Rani's breasts with both his hands started sucking hard. Rani was on cloud 9. She even french kissed the ugly middle brother, only because she wanted to get fucked by tiger real bad. Tiger finished shaving and wiped her pussy clean. It was a very fat pussy with beautiful pink flesh. The fat pussy with its pink flesh was enough to make men kill each other for it. It was like a sweet treat just inviting tiger to eat it. "What a pussy! Sweet rasagulla's sweeter pussy!". He began eating her pussy. He licked, fingered, sucked and bit her pussy many times all over. Rani was giving out sweet juices and tiger was drinking them. Her pussy juice smelled heavenly and Rani was in complete need of a good fuck. Tiger wore a condom and thrust his massive tool into Rani in one thrust. Rani cried out in pain. But slowly she began to enjoy it. The other brothers had joined in and were exploring the top hald of Rani's body. The eldest brother got a candle and poured the hot wax drops inside Rani's navel and her nipples. She cried out loudly. They then licked those spots that had become red due to the hot wax. This strange mixture of extreme pain with extreme pleasure was very new to Rani. Rani was loving the extreme fucking that tiger was giving her. "Oh tiger...aaahh yeah keep fucking me. Tear away my tiny pussy with your massive rod. I am your slave cow. Please tear my udders and drink the milk. aaah" Tiger fucked Rani in various positions back to back four almost 2 hours. Next the other two brothers had their fill. Rani had real multiple orgasms with tiger but she was disgusted seeing the other two guys. Rani was fucked like a cow by these sex crazed maniacal brothers.
After they all had enough for the night, Rani and Tiger just lay on the bed. Tiger had infinite capacity. He did many things like putting cream all over Rani's body and licking it away and many such things. Tiger would fuck Rani for almost 10 times over the next 15 days. He would fuck her in the shower, he would fuck her in the car, when she went out for shopping he would fuck her in the changing room of a store. Tiger was mad after Rani and had a sexual drive of real tiger. He would not even allow his brothers to come near her for that time. Only he wanted to fuck her. He made her do humiliating sexual things like making her pee in public, fucking her in front of their servants, showing off her sexy belly and boobs by suddenly ripping off her clothes in front of men in remote market areas etc.
Rani had become a sex maniac for Tigers cock by the end of her 15 day contract period. Her career was picked up in the south and she became a big star. She had become more or less a girlfriend cum fuckbuddy of Tiger, one of the members of Tamil movie industry's most successful producers. Tiger used to arrange for many orgies at his house in which he and his brothers participated. He needed many doses of pussy everyday to control his extraordinary sexual urge. He however stopped allowing anyone to touch Rani except him. They married later on and that is how Rani became a wife to one of the horniest men in the country.